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When we migrated to 2022 Archive, I noticed this out-of-place teal color along the cell edges. Today, when starting the program, I got a dialog indicating an error in the theme file. I was able to reproduce this by switching to another theme and back to Simplistic. This only appears to happen to me with Simplistic.

Apparently I can't change the theme color of Windows until I resolve this activation issue, so maybe that's a contributing factor, but maybe not.




With CB2022, a lot of the theme settings got a bit of backend tweaking compared to previous versions of CB. If you have previous versions of CB themes installed, the new CB 2022 maybe using those.

Consider uninstalling your ComicBase 2022 edition AND ALSO your ComicBase Resources file from your Windows App list; afterwards install CB2022 again and see if that helps.

  • 3 weeks later...

Found the problem, a bad value was entered in for cellbackcolor for this theme, i'll need to report this to get fixed with our next build.

Workaround if you want fix this yourself...

-Go to C Drive/Program Data/Human Computing/ComicBase 2022/Themes/Simplistic

-open the Simplistic.xml file with notepad

-look for cellbackcolor and change it to &Hffffff

-restart ComicBase and the Theme should load properly


Thank you.
They might want to take a look at cellbackcolorfixed, which appears to be the root of this bizarre teal color. (And are these values BGR instead of RGB? 🤔) Maybe that was intentional, as the text color is now white instead of black, but... I really don't like it.
gridcolor looks too long, and gridcolorfixed is long and looks off (I'm assuming it should be 808080— 50% grey— instead of 080808— 3.1% grey).

  • 3 weeks later...

The only visible problem, as far as I can see, is the teal color of the top row/left columns of cells here:
Again, for all I know it was an aethetic choice different from mine. On CB2020/21, I believe it was white (with black text).
The rest of those things I pointed out were hex values that simply looked wrong in the file (weird length, generally).

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