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My weekly updates have been taking up to 10 hours to update a single update. I am trying to figure out how to correct this (sudden issue) on a brand new (2.5 months) NUC. I am frustrated as this occurred (suddenly) on my previous machine. I spent $1300 on a new system to supposedly correct this issue. And I am suffering worse than I had. Any help?



Just to try to determine where the problem may be, you could try to create a new database (don't have to copy anything into it), and try to run the Update on it.

If it completes in a normal amount of time, there is probably something wrong with your database.

If it takes just as long as the original database, there is probably something wrong with your computer.

(by 'wrong' I mean there could be some setting (like anti-virus) causing problems.)

Also, while it is updating, can you tell by the text displayed in the update window if it is just going slow or is there a specific place that it is slowing down on?



Steven L. Dasinger  Checking. Attempting an export-update. Having issue with the export. I update 4 DB's. Currently on Win 11 (pretty much band new N.U.C. system-maxed out the machine on purchase). It's "processing Comics. Previously did anti virus after a call with Pete. Found a worm (eradicated) at the time.

Mark J. Castaneda On a "clean" 256 GB Flash drive. files were transphered from the other machine (once), which was also having a issue with 3-4+ hour updates. I tried from a Flash drive previously and was let known that it could be the flash drive. At this point I think it is the DB. I will be calling in in the next few days if I can't resolve a DB transpher. I work Thurs and Fri.

Any recomended traspher procedue  would be helpful at this point. I can attempt on my off hours.

Thanks Richard


11 hours ago, Richard A. Scott said:


Steven L. Dasinger  Checking. Attempting an export-update. Having issue with the export. I update 4 DB's. Currently on Win 11 (pretty much band new N.U.C. system-maxed out the machine on purchase). It's "processing Comics. Previously did anti virus after a call with Pete. Found a worm (eradicated) at the time.

Mark J. Castaneda On a "clean" 256 GB Flash drive. files were transphered from the other machine (once), which was also having a issue with 3-4+ hour updates. I tried from a Flash drive previously and was let known that it could be the flash drive. At this point I think it is the DB. I will be calling in in the next few days if I can't resolve a DB transpher. I work Thurs and Fri.

Any recomended traspher procedue  would be helpful at this point. I can attempt on my off hours.

Thanks Richard


Shoot us an email at support@comicbase.com; they can send you an Export/Import guide with steps how to transfer your data over to a new database file.


Your previous posts on the results of the testing I asked about were a little mixed.

A) Did the new Database finish in 25 minutes (or so) with out any other problems?

NOTE: A New database will take longer than normal as it is making all the accumulated updates from when it was included in the install download.  You can test it for a more accurate speed by re-running the update which can be done by pressing and holding the SHIFT key when selecting Check for Updates.

If the new database is processing the Updates in a normal amount of time, as Mark mentioned you can export / import your data to this new database. (afterwards, you can rename the file back to whatever name you want.)

If you need help with the export / import, I can help you here or you can email support for the guide.

NOTE: Since you haven't been able to update, the import will probably have a few 'Unknown' titles for Title changes since your last update. These can be handled without too much problem.

But, this all depends on if the New database Updated without problems.



A. I thought it was going to as it was exhibiting different behavior than it did previously. It was an hour in when I stopped it. I'm attending to system issue first I had lots of warnings in computer management about BITS. I'll get back when I have something further.


It appears the DB's in question were severely corrupt, all 4. Newly crafted and exported to, has worked for all 4 (with the exception of comic books for my personal DB.) I am likely need help resolving the import.


Can you be a little more specific with the steps you have taken and the various results.
What databases were involved, were the 4 you refer to the exports and/or imports from 1 database with 4 types (Books, Comic Books, Magazines, Newspapers) or 4 different databases?
What problem are you having with the import?
Details are needed to see what is going on.

Posted (edited)

Followed the guide and 3 of the 4 transferred with no issue. RAS 6-2024 failed comics, Mags and books transferred. Comics and mags for 2 [RASAA 6-2024, Stallions 6-2024], comics for the other 1 [Troy 6-2024] , no newspapers. Comic on my main DB are not going through and finishing. Just stops abruptly. updates are working for all in the 20 min range now.

Edited by Richard A. Scott

When attempting to import comics to the new RAS 6-2024  I get

Comics title. Title

Comics issue. Title.

Here is the exact order of columns I'm have showing.


·        Not showing


Item #

·        Issue number




Qty in stock

Cover price

Cover price Currency

Cover date





·        Date Modified

Grading notes

Item description








Cover artist

Cover inker


Item title



Custom check 1

Custom check 2

Custom check 3

Custom date 1

Custom date 2

Custom field 1

Custom field 2

Custom field 3

Custom field 4

·        Modified

Diamond Order code

Diamond stock number


Lunar alt code

Lunar code

·        Printing

Street date

·        Type





I tried adding the files here but nothing wants to upload. I will send to the email previously provided.



Issue Number and Variation are not normally columns you need to display or deal with (unless you are doing some specialized finds).
This is because Item # is a composed of 4 columns: Type, Issue Number, Variation, and Printing.

As for Columns to Export, the only ones I would use are:
(bare minimum)
Item #
Qty In Stock

(additionally, if you use them for your data)
Notes (if not locked so the update doesn't change)
any Custom columns (Date, Field, Check)

Any other column should be populated with the next update.
There should be few problems using these columns when you Import (Note: Few does not mean none...)

NOTE: If you have Duplicate Item #'s due to owning the same issue in different Conditions, these may need to be cleaned up after a successful Import.


If you want to do a little work, you can try to find the 'problem' row by:

Take a copy of the export file and split it into smaller parts (2 to 5 or so).

Then try to Import each part. hopefully just one contains the problem.

Mass Change Qty in Stock to 0

Take the one (hopefully) part and split it up and attempt to Import them.

Then repeat Mass Change, split file into smaller chunks and import.

Eventually (and sooner than you might think) the file will be small enough that you can scan through it to see something 'strange' that is causing the problem.

Once you find it, you can go back to the original Export file, find and Delete/Fix the row,m then try Importing the whole thing.

Technically, the process is to split the file in half, then half again, etc. It is called a Binary search for that reason. But you can speed the process up by splitting into more sections.


After much touch and go I decided to reattempt an fresh export with the parameters you mentioned. It did it to a new DB in one shot. (Don't ask me what I wasted 5.5 hours on.) Waiting for a transfer of files from the Human computer folder to the flash drive and will attempt an update on the new file.

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