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Collection Statistics and the Value info

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Okay, I have another question regarding "value" in ComicBase. When I run the Collection Statistics and choose to Show Breakdown by: Value, I get the info shown below:


If my Value Range is between $2,500 and $5000 and I have 1 comic in that range, shouldn't my minimum Total Value be at least $2,500, not the $370 ComicBase shows? The same for if the Value Range is between $1,000 and $2,499 and I have 9 comics, my minimum Total Value should be at least $9,000.

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I checked that out. I took a NM issues in one of the higher ranges, changed grade to F and it changed its location to a different (lower) value range. If it was based on NM value, then it should not have changed range location.

It won't hurt to run menu item File->Rebuild Lists checking the Item Information box (which recalculates totals among other things).

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