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Mark J. Castaneda

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Everything posted by Mark J. Castaneda

  1. Hey Greg, do you a backup copy of your db before this trouble happened that you can load in? If you don't have one locally on your computer, check your online account as you might have backup that you can fall back on here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/MyBackups.aspx If you can get back to a state where you're good, i'd be curious if you can recreate the trouble with exacts steps so we can try them out on our end. If you found some sort of bug; we definitely want to get it addressed.
  2. contact our support team directly at support@comicbase.com. The may need to get ahold of a copy of your database and try to convert it over for you. If you have any kind of cloud storage app/service you use (ex: Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.); upload your database there then email a sharelink to the db file so the support team can work with it.
  3. If you go to the Setup Menu>Columns to View; is that custom field checked to be visible so you see that data on screen?
  4. Does this title show up in anyway in the Title List (Ctrl+T)? I wonder if the title name off in someway that's different from what you see on AA.
  5. Hi folks, Our new 1/16/2020 content update is available to download. For Archive users, Auto-downloading option for this week's covers will not work. We are currently doing back-end maintenance with our internal systems which has effected that particular option for the content update. You can manually download new covers as a workaround if we have them in our master database. At the moment the maintenance we're doing may take a few more days, evening stretching out through this weekend to complete. This will effect updating user stats, reports, and backups; websites may also run sluggishly at times. We apologizes for the inconvenience.
  6. At the moment the maintenance we're doing (that i mentioned in my last reply) is taking longer than anticipated; it may take a few more days, evening stretching out through this weekend. This will effect updating user stats, reports, and backups. Apologizes for the inconvenience.
  7. if you have the time, workup an email to support@comicbase.com with the things you'd like to have worked into the software and I'll forward those suggestions up to the programming team
  8. odd...if you type in a more complete word like 'Batman' do you get title results?
  9. try downloading/installing the revised CB2020 program installer ( from your online account here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx if that doesn't work, did you do any kind of special searches with the Find drop down menu before the trouble happened? I wonder if the last thing you might have searched for was not a title or barcode number.
  10. The way to do it in CB2020 is like Dasinger described
  11. Just to be clear... When you enter into the Title List (Ctrl+T), then check in 'Titles in Stock' you experiencing a few second delay as you enter/pick these options? I don't run into that kind of delay on my computer. Anyone else experience this kind of delay?
  12. try downloading/installing the revised CB2020 program installer ( from your online account here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx Restart your computer and then open up Sidekick. Double-check you Sidekick settings just in case like the databases listed under the General Tab are correct. If everything looks good, try out backing up to the cloud. NOTE: we are currently doing server maintenance this week which may delay stats, reports, and backups from appearing under user profiles; it may take a bit more time to process them than usual.
  13. How you're doing it now is the way it works now with CB2020.
  14. Is there a cover checklist by chance noted inside the comic? I'm wondering if there's a regular blue sky cover.
  15. can you email us at support@comicbase.com screenshot(s) of what you're seeing so our programming team can take a look at what you're running into?
  16. We typically order the regular covers for our office, scan those, then replace the prelims on their release week. Due to the explosion of variants in recent years, we don't always replace those prelim variants the same week they actually release; they are so many to hunt down it can take time. User submitted covers we also take and replace prelims too.
  17. message us directly at support @comicbase.com. If you can provide a screenshot(s) of what you're noticing that's off that would be helpful along with steps/options you are picking for creating your report.
  18. I think we based the title name of the indicia of the 1st issue. Does anyone have it to confirm (we don't have an in-house copy anymore)?
  19. if the latest build doesn't truly address the trouble, we'd be curious to how the report looks when you view. Can you screenshot it then email us at support@comicbase.com?
  20. how is comic vine numbering these issues? For example, how are they getting #196901? Is this printed on the issue somewhere (back cover)?
  21. You will no longer be able to print out the find list results like with older versions of CB. Instead, you'll have to select/highlight the find results that are generated then copy and paste them into a blank spreadsheet or word document. *take advantage of the 'Columns to View' option under the Setup menu. You can make visible on the main screen interface what fields you want to see and in what order. This can cut down the fields you decide to copy out.
  22. First... we just updated the build with few bug fixes. Just download/install it again from your www.comicbase.com account (My Account menu>Registrations). The programming team informs me the date settings for ComicBase are inherently YYYY-DD-MM now. Try going into the File Menu>File Tools>Rebuild Lists>Select Item Information and Rebuild. Afterwards, try switching to Dutch and see if that solves your problem. If the trouble still lingers, please contact our team directly at support@comicbase.com.
  23. If the dbs weren't the problem then it has to be your computer. Your specs seem okay... I've seen computers with lower specs that run CB2020 pretty decently but not as slow as you describe. Are there any other programs possibly running that could be shutdown or removed on your computer? If you have another computer available, you might try running the software on that.
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