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Andrew d’Entremont

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Everything posted by Andrew d’Entremont

  1. No changes on the keyboard setup. I thought it might be related to my regional format setting since that's what gave me a problem with the earliest build of 2021, but changing it to English (United States) didn't fix the problem. And it looks like none o f the F keys are working for me. I tried F8 for grading and F12 for statistics and neither of them work.
  2. This is just a small glitch, but it looks like pressing F6 no longer brings up the Identification Labels print dialogue box. I just updated to the latest build (1258) to make sure it wasn't the older version I was using, but it still won't work with 1258. I can still print them by right-clicking though.
  3. I've gotta say, it looks pretty sweet in my makeshift home office.
  4. I haven't had either of those problems, but I am missing the play button. Media still plays fine though.
  5. I just got off the phone with Pete and it looks like the culprit is the Regional Format Setting. Mine was set to English (Canada). As soon as we set it to English (United States) it worked. Pete said he'll work on the fix after he's done with Thanksgiving, but in the meantime switching to English (United States) under Regional Format should get things working.
  6. I just got off the phone with Pete and it looks like the culprit is the Regional Format Setting. Mine was set to English (Canada). As soon as we set it to English (United States) it worked. Pete said he'll work on the fix after he's done with Thanksgiving, but in the meantime switching to English (United States) under Regional Format should get things working.
  7. Thanks. I'll send an email to support, but I thought I would let you know that double clicking doesn't work. I just get the endless loop again. And I did verify that I have
  8. Pete is pretty good about getting fixes for this kind of thing out pretty quickly, so I'm not too worried.
  9. Yup. I just updated and every time I try to launch it prompts me to select a database. I select it and it just loops back to asking to select a database.
  10. I just upgraded and it's refusing to load my database even though I used the database manager to scan for it.
  11. I noticed that in the latest update the second print of Savage Dragon #252 was added as 252/A instead of 252-2. Even if it has a different cover than the first print, shouldn't it be listed as 252-2?
  12. I've been looking for the update log. Where is it stored?
  13. I just went to "Questprobe" and "The Ray" and both don't have an image for the first issue. In the case of "The Ray" issue #0 is the first issue and it doesn't have a cover. And just to be sure I went to a "Silver Sable", which doesn't have any variants for the first issue, and the cover image for the first issue is once again missing. Right clicking on an issue with a missing cover reveals that the "Show Picture Folder" option is greyed out and unavailable so it's pretty clear that the cover image doesn't exist. Just to be sure I double checked the picture folder and it is indeed not there. It should also be noted that I've only been looking at titles for which I actually own issues issues. I'm, not sure if this is true for all titles.
  14. I've been going through my collection over the past few weeks and noticed something odd in ComicBase. For some reason no cover image has been downloaded for the first issue in almost every series I have. All the other covers are there except for the first one. It's not a big deal as I can still download them manually, but I just find it strange that none of the first issue covers are installed. Any idea why this might be? I'm runnin the 2020 Archive Edition, v20.0.3.3829.
  15. Thanks for the reply. The note about the UPC box is definitely misleading. It should probably be removed.
  16. I'm just wondering if there are two versions of the first print of this book. Comicbase says the one with the DC Universe logo in the UPC box is a second print, but it also says that there is a Roman Numeral II beside the issue number. I have a copy of issue #51 which has the DC Universe logo in the UPC box, but no Roman numeral II beside the issue number, and there is nothing in the indicia to indicate that this is a 2nd print.
  17. Thank you both! Just out of curiosity, has any consideration ever been given to allowing users to upload their own covers to AA?
  18. When using the grading wizard, I noticed not all categories (like paper whiteness) are added to the grading notes. Is there a way to include them, or is it only something which lowers the grade that gets included in the notes? Other than having the grading notes field populated with entries from the grading wizard, is there a way to tell which comics have been graded using the wizard? I don't see a way run a report to find out which issues I've graded using the wizard. Even having a visual cue like making the row a different colour would be helpful when browsing my collection. If I scan the cover of an issue I have graded and use that as my cover in ComicBase, does that cover get uploaded to Atomic Avenue if I put it up for sale? One of the reasons I ask is because ComicBase does not have a "Newsstand" variation so the cover that appears on Atomic Avenue will not accurately reflect the actual cover if it's the newsstand edition. AS a buyer I know that I would much rather buy the direct edition of a cover rather than the Newsstand edition. It would also be a good way for customers to see what the actual cover of the comic they are buying looks like. Thanks!
  19. Thanks. I was able able to create a set through the Items menu and add issues to it, but I still can't right click an individual issue and add it to a set. I thought maybe a set needed to exist before I could add anything to it but that doesn't seem to be the issue.
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