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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Issue Number and Variation are not normally columns you need to display or deal with (unless you are doing some specialized finds). This is because Item # is a composed of 4 columns: Type, Issue Number, Variation, and Printing. As for Columns to Export, the only ones I would use are: (bare minimum) Title Item # Condition Qty In Stock (additionally, if you use them for your data) Notes (if not locked so the update doesn't change) any Custom columns (Date, Field, Check) Any other column should be populated with the next update. There should be few problems using these columns when you Import (Note: Few does not mean none...) NOTE: If you have Duplicate Item #'s due to owning the same issue in different Conditions, these may need to be cleaned up after a successful Import.
  2. Can you be a little more specific with the steps you have taken and the various results. What databases were involved, were the 4 you refer to the exports and/or imports from 1 database with 4 types (Books, Comic Books, Magazines, Newspapers) or 4 different databases? What problem are you having with the import? Details are needed to see what is going on.
  3. Your previous posts on the results of the testing I asked about were a little mixed. A) Did the new Database finish in 25 minutes (or so) with out any other problems? NOTE: A New database will take longer than normal as it is making all the accumulated updates from when it was included in the install download. You can test it for a more accurate speed by re-running the update which can be done by pressing and holding the SHIFT key when selecting Check for Updates. If the new database is processing the Updates in a normal amount of time, as Mark mentioned you can export / import your data to this new database. (afterwards, you can rename the file back to whatever name you want.) If you need help with the export / import, I can help you here or you can email support for the guide. NOTE: Since you haven't been able to update, the import will probably have a few 'Unknown' titles for Title changes since your last update. These can be handled without too much problem. But, this all depends on if the New database Updated without problems.
  4. Delete or Move MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Angel's Command, The To: Pictures\A\Ace\Angel's Command, The Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Bloodrights To: Pictures\A\Ace\Bloodrights Delete or Move MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Castaways of the Flying Dutchman To: Pictures\A\Ace\Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Delete or Move MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Voyage of Slaves To: Pictures\A\Ace\Voyage of Slaves Delete or Rename GN 1.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\V\Vertical\Girl On The Shore To: Pictures\V\Vertical\Girl on the Shore, A Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\H\Hippy\Spain's Zodiac Mindwarp To: Pictures\H\Hippy\Zodiac Mindwarp (Spain's-) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 415.jpg) From: Pictures\N\Novaro\Super Comic (Serie aguila) To: Pictures\N\Novaro\Supercomic (Serie aguila)
  5. Check you Setup->Preferences. at the bottom middle is an option for 'Automatically download larger pictures when viewing items'. Make sure this is checked. If it IS checked and you still do not get the larger picture, you may need to contact support.
  6. What Edition of CB do you have? (Archive, Pro, etc.) Not sure when you last installed CB but the current version of the Archive Edition (at least) seems to default to tiny covers (to speed installation) but you had the option to download/install the full size issues from CB (through the registration page and selecting other. The idea behind this is that the installation for all the covers will be very fast and if you ever looked at a cover, it would download the full size one and display it. PS Not having tested it, I don't know if this full size download works without a current registration or not. I have never tested this. It may still work. Also can you give a specific title and some issues?
  7. 'Thor Quest' is definitely an illustrated text book. Title could/should? be 'Thor Quest: Hammers of the Gods' Since 'Thor Quest: Fires of the Forgekeep' is a pre-order (release date 2 Feb 2025), there is not direct evidence but everything looks the same as 'Thor Quest' so probably an illustrated text book, also. PS The title should be 'Rascal Does Not Dream of a Santa Claus (Light Novel). No 'Sc and 'Light Novel' in parenthesis. Also, as a Light Novel, this is a text story and the Title belongs in Books.
  8. Looking my database and on AA, I am not seeing this. 'Red Sonja (Dynamite, Vol. 6)' has FCBD 2022. 'Red Sonja (Dynamite, Vol. 7)' has FCBD 2023. Does it have some different issues number?
  9. Delete or Move 394.jpg and 547.jpg From: Pictures\E\Editorial Vid\Kendor, El Hombre Del Tibet (Editorial Vid) To: Pictures\G\Grupo Editorial Vid\Kendor Delete or Move 1.jpg and 1-2.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Mishkin File, The To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Mishkin File!, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Search For Smilin' Ed, The To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Search for Smilin' Ed!, The Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg and 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Moonstone\Green Ghost, The- Declassified
  10. Just to try to determine where the problem may be, you could try to create a new database (don't have to copy anything into it), and try to run the Update on it. If it completes in a normal amount of time, there is probably something wrong with your database. If it takes just as long as the original database, there is probably something wrong with your computer. (by 'wrong' I mean there could be some setting (like anti-virus) causing problems.) Also, while it is updating, can you tell by the text displayed in the update window if it is just going slow or is there a specific place that it is slowing down on?
  11. Delete or Rename MMPB 3.jpg to MMPB 3-3.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace\Red Sonja (Ace) Delete or Move ALL (116.jpg - 413.jpg) except 209..jpg From: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Selection Rions C'est L'Heure To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Selection Archie (et amis) (The TO title already has a 209.jpg and the FROM title's 209.jpg has 209 A on the cover. Don't know if this is a variation (with different cover price) or something else.) Delete or Move FCBD 2024.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\E\Energon Universe To: Pictures\I\Image\E\Energon Universe 2024 Special Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-F.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Astonishing\Kor-Drath- The Reckoning To: Pictures\A\Astonishing\Kor-Drath Delete or Move 1-A.jpg and 2-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\My Bloody Valentine To: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Valentine Bluffs Massacre Delete or Rename 1-F.jpg to 1-D.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\V\Vs (Image) (This is a little bit of a guess based on cover artist)
  12. Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 2-D.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Amory Wars, The- No World for Tomorrow To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Amory Wars, The- Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume II-No World for Tomorrow Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\Topix\Christmas Story Cut-Out Book, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Cosplayers X-Mas Special To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Cosplayers Christmas, A Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\About\Scott Shaw!s Comix & Stories To: Pictures\A\About\Comix & Stories (Scott Shaw!s-) Delete 1-K.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\B\Blood Hunt (Marvel) Delete or Move 1-CS.jpg From: Pictures\M\Millennium\Cthulhu (H.P. Lovecraft's-) To: Pictures\M\Millennium\Cthulhu- The Whisperer In Darkness (H.P. Lovecraft's-) Delete 1-P.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Elvira Mistress of the Dark (Dynamite) (Duplicate of 1-N.jpg) Delete FCBD 2021.jpg From: Pictures\V\Viz\Star Wars- The High Republic- The Edge of Balance (not sure why it is deleted or where it may actually be)
  13. Since you have a new laptop, I am assuming you have an old computer (desk or laptop). Is your database on the old computer? Installing CB on a new computer won't automatically copy your database to the new computer. By default, your database is on your C Drive in \Users\<loginid>\Documents\Human Computing\ComicBase Databases. If you can network the two computers together, you can transfer the database from the old computer to the new computer. or If you have a large enough USB drive, you can copy to it from your old computer then use it to copy it to your new computer. or It is possible to have your database and a NAS device. If you have that you need to point CB to that location.
  14. Since I am not sure exactly what you have done, try this: Go to Windows Settings, Apps, Installed Apps Uninstall any/all Comicbase apps. (there should only be two: the Edition you have and the Resources install). Go to Users\<logon-id>\AppData\Roaming\Human Computing\ComicBase 2024 Professional Edition folder Then either install your 2024 downloaded installer or download it from the Comicbase site in your My Account->Registrations page. Hopefully this will work. If not you may need to call support.
  15. (this is a guess) Rename TPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\L\Last Gasp\Raw, Boiled and Cooked- Comics on the Verge Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ahoy\Business Acid Chimp vs. Business Dog To: Pictures\A\Ahoy\Acid Chimp vs. Business Dog Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\Archie\Chilling Adventures Presents- The Cult of That Wilkin Boy- Invitation To: Pictures\A\Archie\Chilling Adventures Presents- The Cult of That Wilkin Boy- Initiation Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\Thunder's Mouth\Comix- The Underground Revolution Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\L\Les Editions Heritage\Flash Trois-Dans-Un (Les Editions Heritage) To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Flash Trois-Dans-Un (Editions Heritage) Delete or Move ALL (1,.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\F\Floating World\Giant Sized Santos Sisters To: ictures\F\Floating World\Santos Sisters Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to 1-DLX.jpg then Move From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\G\Grendel- Devil By the Deed Master's Edition To: Pictures\C\Comico\Grendel- Devil By the Deed Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\G\Grendel- Devil By the Deed-25th Anniversary Edition To: Pictures\C\Comico\Grendel- Devil By the Deed (Note: The existing 1-HC cover in 'Grendel: Devil By the Deed' is the 'Graphitti Designs' published book that is not (yet?) in CB.) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel's Greatest Creators- Iron Fist-Collen Wing To: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel's Greatest Creators- Iron Fist-Colleen Wing Delete or Move 1.jpg and 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\E\Eclipse\Yattering and Jack To: Pictures\E\Eclipse\Yattering and Jack, The (Not sure about this one) 'The Burroughs Bulletin' was deleted and contians a #25 cover. The logical location to move this is 'The Burroughs Bulletin (Burroughs Bibliophiles)' but the #25 issue has a different cover. I am just deleting it as it should show up in the correct location eventually. Delete 25.jpg From: Pictures\B\Burroughs Bibliophiles\Burroughs Bulletin, The Delete 1-E.jpg From: Pictures\M\Maximum\Avengelyne Swimsuit (Duplicate of 1-B.jpg) Delete or Move 1-A.jpg and 1-B.jpg From: Pictures\A\Archie\Chilling Adventures Presents- Welcome to Riverdale To: Pictures\A\Archie\Welcome to Riverdale Delete 1-K.jpg From: Pictures\C\Comixtribe\Wailing Blade (Duplicate of 1-H.jpg) Delete Anl 1992.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special (Duplicate of 3.jpg)
  16. The indicia for all 3 issues has 'Skull and Bones' only in the indicia (also 'and' instead of '&'). I am using an on-line source so they may or may not be digital versions. It would be best if Pete could double check and if it is just 'Skull and Bones', it is probably the same for all 3 issues.
  17. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Alpha Agents To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Alpha Agents Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 10.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\equipe Marvel To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\equipe Marvel Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 191.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\etonnant Spider-Man, L' To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\etonnant Spider-Man, L' Delete or Move Ash 1.jpg From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Heritage Comics, ASQ To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Heritage Comics, ASQ Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 161.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Fantastic Four (Heritage) To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Fantastic Four (Editions Heritage) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 10.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\G.I. Joe (Heritage) To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\G.I. Joe (Editions Heritage) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 10.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Marvel Trois-Dans-Un Star Wars To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Marvel Trois-Dans-Un Star Wars Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 26.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Marvel Trois-Dans-Un X-Men To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Marvel Trois-Dans-Un X-Men Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 5.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Nouveaux Jeunes Titans, Les To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Nouveaux Jeunes Titans, Les Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 10.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Vengeurs, Les (Heritage) To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Vengeurs, Les (Editions Heritage) Delete or Rename (All) 1-2.jpg to 1.jpg 3-4.jpg to 3.jpg 5-6.jpg to 5.jpg 7-8.jpg to 7.jpg 9-10.jpg to 9.jpg 11-12.jpg to 11.jpg 13-14.jpg to 13.jpg 15-16.jpg to 15.jpg 17-18.jpg to 17.jpg 19-20.jpg to 19.jpg 21-22.jpg to 21.jpg 23-24.jpg to 23.jpg Then Move From: Pictures\L\Les Editions Heritage\Flash (Les Editions Heritage) To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Flash (Editions Heritage) Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dead Sky Publishing Llc\Deprog To: Pictures\D\Dead Sky\Deprog Delete or Move 1-B.jpg From: Pictures\B\Blackbox\Bio-Mechs To: Pictures\B\Blackbox\Bio Mechs Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg then Move From: Pictures\T\Thunder's Mouth\Comix To: Pictures\T\Thunder's Mouth\Comix- The Underground Revolution Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\O\Oni\Rick and Morty- Final Week-Sherick Holmes & Mortson To: Pictures\O\Oni\Rick and Morty- Finals Week-SheRick Holmes & Mortson Delete or Move FCBD 2024.jpg From: Pictures\S\Scholastic\Unico- The Awakening To: Pictures\S\Scholastic\Unico- Awakening Delete 32.jpg, 34.jpg, and 36.jpg From: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Blondinette (Editions Heritage) (Issues started to print double issues with #25 so these are duplicates of 31.jpg, 33.jpg and 35.jpg, respectively.) Rename 2.jpg to 2-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\S\Sam and Twitch Case Files Delete 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\X\Xerxes- The Fall of the House of Darius and the Rise of Alexander
  18. Delete or Rename Bk 1.jpg to 1.jpg and Bk 1-LE.jpg to 1-LE.jpg From: Pictures\B\Berkley\Empire (Berkley) Delete or Rename FCBD 2024.jpt to FCBD 2024-A.jpg From: Pictures\P\Papercutz\Free Comic Book Day (Papercutz)
  19. I have the same problem. Once this process 'breaks' (stops working (not sure why)) it never starts working again. After Content updates,it only shows the date of that update. There is no history.
  20. Delete or Move FCBD 2020.jpg and FCBD 2020-A.jpg From: Pictures\R\Random House Graphic\Free Comic Book Day (RH Graphic) To: Pictures\R\Random House\Free Comic Book Day (RH Graphic) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 140.jpg) From: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Captain America (Editions Heritage) To: Pictures\E\Editions Heritage\Capitaine America Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\J\Junior Carrot Patrol To: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\J\Jr. Carrot Patrol Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Scout\Cissy (Vol. 2) Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Source Point\Homestead Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Source Point\There Was Another Life Rename 1-HC.jpg to Bk 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\McFarland & Company\Classics Illustrated- A Cultural History, With Illustrations Delete 4-A.jpg and 4-B.jpg From: Pictures\O\Opus\Dominatrix (Gene Simmons'-) Delete 3-A.jpg and 4-A.jpg From: Pictures\O\Opus\Tales of Science-Fantasy (Frank Frazetta's- )
  21. Here is what I am seeing (in reports generated in CB). If the first issue in the list for a title has a cover it is displayed. If the first issue in the list for a title does not have a cover it is not displayed. Examples (see attached): My Collection Overview report showing the first title with a cover (issue MMPB and the second title without a cover (issue TPB). (1st attachment) First Title in report showing issues MMPB and MMPB-11 where the first issue (MMPB)) is displayed for owned issues MMPB. (2nd attachment) Second Title in report showing issues HC and TPB where the first issue (HC) doesn't have a cover so owned issue TPB does NOT display a cover. (2nd attachment) I have spot-checked several titles where covers are displayed in the report (always has a cover for the first issue of the title) and covers are not displayed always does NOT have a cover for the first issue in the title). Additionally, If the first issues does have an issue but it is not owned, that first cover is displayed for a latter issues what is not the one for that latter issue. (see 4th attachment). The issue with the RED arrow (which is the first issue in that title) is the one used in the Report but the actual issue in the report is the one with the GREEN arrow).
  22. Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marek\Matarese Circle, The To: Pictures\R\Richard Marek\Matarese Circle, The Delete or Rename TPB.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\M\Marek\Nuts To: Pictures\R\Richard Marek\Nuts (Richard Marek) Delete or Move FCBD 2023.kjpg From: Pictures\#\-01 First Second\Investi Gators- All Tide Up Sneak Peek! To: Pictures\#\-01 First Second\InvestiGators- All Tide Up Sneak Peek! Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\F\Floating World\Santos Sisters Halloween Special To: Pictures\F\Floating World\Santos Sisters and Friends Halloween Special Delete or Rename 6.jpg to 10.jpg and 7.jpg to 11.jpg then Move From: Pictures\R\Red Circle\Chilling Adventures in Sorcery To: Pictures\R\Red Circle\Red Circle Sorcery Rename 1.jkpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\R\ROM- The Original Marvel Years Omnibus (This one is a little bit of a guess. Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 6.jpg) From: Pictures\H\Heritage\Captain America (Heritage) To Title: Either: 'Captain America (Editions Heritage)' or 'Capitaine America' (The 'TO:' looks like a duplicate Title. Not sure what the final name will be. It could be 'Capitaine America' (title on cover and maybe in the indicia (this is a French language version). or ''Captain America (Editions Heritage)' (but the name might change since it uses the English 'Captain' instead of the French 'Capitain').
  23. Delete or Rename HC.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\R\Richard Marek\-And Then We'll Get Him! (Gahan Wilson) Delete or Move 1.jpg and 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\E\Editions Tanibis\Bus, The (Vol. 1) To: Pictures\E\Editions Tanibis\Bus, The Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 2.jpg then Move From: Pictures\E\Editions Tanibis\Bus, The (Vol. 2) To: Pictures\E\Editions Tanibis\Bus, The Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-Z.jpg) From: Pictures\T\TidalWave\Female Force Taylor Swift To: Pictures\T\TidalWave\Female Force- Taylor Swift Delete or Rename 1.jpg to Bk 3.jpg then Move From: Pictures\H\HarperCollins\Simpsons, The- Treehouse of Horror Fun-filled Frightfest To: Pictures\B\Bongo\Treehouse of Horror (Bart Simpson's-) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to Bk 4.jpg then Move From: Pictures\H\HarperCollins\Simpsons, The - Treehouse of Horror HooDoo VooDoo Brouhaha To: Pictures\B\Bongo\Treehouse of Horror (Bart Simpson's-) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to Bk 5.jpg then Move From: Pictures\H\HarperCollins\Simpsons, The- Treehouse of Horror Dead Man's Jest To: Pictures\B\Bongo\Treehouse of Horror (Bart Simpson's-) Delete or Move ALL (2-A.jpg - 14.jpg) From: Pictures\G\Gauntlet, Inc\Gauntlet To: Pictures\G\Gauntlet\Gauntlet (Gauntlet) Delete or Rename 50-2.jpg to 2.jpg then Move From: Pictures\H\Harvey\Black Cat Comics To: Pictures\C\Canton Street\Flashback Replica Delete or Rename 19-4.jpg to 10.jpg then Move From: Pictures\H\Harvey\Chamber of Chills (Harvey) To: Pictures\C\Canton Street\Flashback Replica Delete or Rename 13.jpg to 1.jpg 14.jpg to 2.jpg 15.jpg to 3.jpg Then Move From: Pictures\H\Hillman\Clue Comics To: Pictures\H\Hillman\Clue Comics (Vol. 2) Delete or Rename 19-2.jpg to 8.jpg then Move From: Pictures\M\Merit\Dark Mysteries To: Pictures\C\Canton Street\Flashback Replica Delete 38-C-2.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\D\Detective Comics (Duplicate of 38-D.jpg) Delete or Rename 1-2.jpg to 5.jpg then Move From: Pictures\A\Avon\Eerie Comics To: Pictures\C\Canton Street\Flashback Replica Delete or Rename Bk 1-9.jpg to Bk 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\I\Invincible Delete or Rename 1-2.jpg to 7.jpg then Move From: Pictures\S\St. John\Pictorial Confessions To: Pictures\C\Canton Street\Flashback Replica Delete or Rename 14-2.jpg to 4.jpg From: Pictures\S\St. John\Teen-Age Romances To: Pictures\C\Canton Street\Flashback Replica
  24. While this is being evaluated, There is a possible work-around for up to 3 sets of titles. The idea is to use the Custom Check boxes at the Title level to allow finding all the titles of a set (you define). Only having 3 Title level Custom Check boxes will limit the usefulness of this method. To do this: A) Go to each Title you want in a list and check a Custom Check Box (make sure to Check the same Box (1, 2, or 3) to ensure all the titles are in the same 'list'. This can be done a couple of ways with the easist being using the Title window (CTRL+T), Type in the title name (partial name is fine), then with the title hi-lighted, click on the Modify button. Repeat for each title. NOTE: You can use Setup->Custom Fields to rename the Custom Field to a name like 'Spider-Man' to help keep the (up-to) 3 lists separate. B) Run a Find for Title Fields Custom Check 1 (or whichever one you used or renamed). C) Select all the rows (CTRL+A). D) Right-click to bring up the pop-up menu and select Report Selected Titles As-> <type of report> At this point the report selected window should be displayed with all the Titles in the list selected. You can select the Report options you need from this point. This is not as good as having a larger (or unlimited) set of lists as you are suggestion but is should work for what you want.
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