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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\G\Gods of Brutality To: Pictures\B\Black Caravan\Gods of Brutality Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\T\Topps\Space- 34-24-34 To: Pictures\M\MN Design\Space- 34-24-34 Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\L\Lunar Ladies To: Pictures\S\Scout\Lunar Ladies, The Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-G.jpg) From: Pictures\I\Image\M\M.O.M.- Mother of Madness To: Pictures\I\Image\M\M.O.M. Mother of Madness Rename HC.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\T\Touchstone\Amazing Fantastic Incredible- A Marvelous Memoir Rename HC.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Jack Kirby Pencils and Inks- Artifact Edition Rename TPB 1.jpg to MMPB.jpg From: Shadow, The (Ballantine) Delete 8-SC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\D\Divine Right (Duplicate of 8-A.jpg) Delete ( ? ) 113-A.jpg 117-A.jpg 118-A.jpg 120-A.jpg 123-A.jpg 124-A.jpg 125-A.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\X\X-Factor (Not sure why because these look like valid price variants per the covers and 119/A and 121/A were not deleted.)
  2. For Ranges, use BETWEEN. For example for CGC 9.8 to CGC 9.0: I.[Condition] BETWEEN 'CGC 9.0' AND 'CGC 9.8' AND I.[QtyInStock] >= 1
  3. Where are you dragging it to? The old way was to drag it to the large cover in the top left corner but that was changed in CB 2020. Now, it just needs to be in the grid area (where the data is).
  4. While this feature suggestion is being considered, a possible work-around is to just drop any .jpg file into the grid area of a Title with no cover scans. This will automatically create the correctly named and placed folder. Then show folder and delete the .jpg file (unless it happens to be one you wanted in that folder).
  5. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Star Wars- The Bounty Hunters-Jabba Hutt To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Star Wars- War of the Bounty Hunters-Jabba the Hutt Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 1-D.jpg) From: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Tales of Terror Quarterly- 2020 Halloween Special To: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly- 2020 Halloween Special Delete or Move 1-C.jpg From: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Tales of Terror Quarterly- Hellfire To: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly- Hellfire
  6. Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ablaze\Cimmerian, The- Man-Eaters of Zamboula To: Pictures\A\Ablaze\Cimmerian, The- The Man-Eaters of Zamboula Rename 1-LE.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dreamhaven\On Cats & Dogs- Two Tales Rename 1-V.jpg to 1-Q.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Barbarella (Dynamite, 2nd Series) (I think. Notes lists 1/Q as the Virgin Cosplay cover) Rename 5.jpg to 5-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\S\Shadecraft
  7. Delete or Move 1.jpg & 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\B\Blue and Gold To: Pictures\D\DC\B\Blue & Gold Delete or Move All (23.jpg - 30.jpg) From: Pictures\L\Libro Del Mar\Hatha-Yoga To: Pictures\N\Novaro\Hatha-Yoga (Novaro) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Mouse Guard, The- The Owlhen Caregiver To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Mouse Guard- The Owlhen Caregiver Rename HC.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Wallace Wood Presents- Shattuck Rename HC-DLX.jpg to 1-DLX From: Pictures\V\Vanguard\Wally Wood- Dare-Devil Aces, Commandos & Other Sagas of War Rename 1-B.jpg to 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\American Mythology Monsters (Vol. 2) Rename 1-B.jpg to 1-A.jpg 1-C.jpg to 1-B.jpg 2-A.jpg to 2.jpg 3-A.jpg to 3.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Canto III- Lionhearted Rename TPB 1.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Mountaineer West Productions\War Angels- Origins Rename TPB 1.jpg to MMPB 1.jpg TPB 2.jpg to MMPB 2.jpg TPB 3.jpg to MMPB 3.jpg TPB 4.jpg to MMPB 4.jpg TPB 5.jpg to MMPB 5.jpg TPB 6.jpg to MMPB 6.jpg TPB 7.jpg to MMPB 7.jpg TPB 8.jpg to MMPB 8.jpg TPB 9.jpg to MMPB 9.jpg TPB 10.jpg to MMPB 10.jpg TPB 11.jpg to MMPB 11.jpg TPB 12.jpg to MMPB 12.jpg TPB 13.jpg to MMPB 13.jpg TPB 14.jpg to MMPB 14.jpg TPB 15.jpg to MMPB 15.jpg TPB 16.jpg to MMPB 16.jpg TPB 17.jpg to MMPB 17.jpg TPB 18.jpg to MMPB 18.jpg TPB 19.jpg to MMPB 19.jpg TPB 20.jpg to MMPB 20.jpg TPB 21.jpg to MMPB 21.jpg TPB 22.jpg to MMPB 22.jpg TPB 23.jpg to MMPB 23.jpg TPB 24.jpg to MMPB 24.jpg TPB 25.jpg to MMPB 25.jpg TPB 26.jpg to MMPB 26.jpg TPB 27.jpg to MMPB 27.jpg TPB 28.jpg to MMPB 28.jpg TPB 29.jpg to MMPB 29.jpg TPB 30.jpg to MMPB 30.jpg TPB 31.jpg to MMPB 31.jpg TPB 32.jpg to MMPB 32jpg TPB 33.jpg to MMPB 33.jpg TPB 34.jpg to MMPB 34.jpg TPB 35.jpg to MMPB 35.jpg TPB 36.jpg to MMPB 36.jpg From: Pictures\W\Warner\Avenger, The (Warner) Delete 1-F.jpg From: Cimmerian: Man-Eaters of Zamboula
  8. Not sure what you mean by scan books to a list, but there is a way to make a change to multiple items at one time. That is with Quick Change (CTRL + G). However, to be able to use Quick Change you need to be able to select multiple items. You can do this this with a Find. If you have a way to do a Find to select all the items, that would be the easiest but isn't always possible. In those cases you can use the Marked column (you may have to use Setup->Columns to View to see it. Once you have it displayed you can click on the box to Mark it. Continue by Marking all the items you have sent and you can then use Find where Mark is Checked to get the result. After, that select all the found items and use Quick Change as needed.
  9. Delete or Rename TPB 2013.jpg 2013.jpg TPB 2014.jpg 2014.jpg TPB 2015.jpg 2015.jpg TPB 2016.jpg 2016.jpg TPB 2017.jpg 2017.jpg TPB 2018.jpg 2018.jpg TPB 2019.jpg 2019.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\D\DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology And Delete or Move 2016.jpg, 2017.jpg, 2018.jpg, and 2019.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\D\DC Essential Graphic Novels To: Pictures\D\DC\D\DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology (Two Titles being combined into one with overlapping covers) Delete or Move Anl 2021.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\F\Flash, The (5th Series) To: Pictures\D\DC\F\Flash, The (1st Series) Delete or Rename Bk 1/HC to 1/HC Bk 2/HC to 2/HC Bk 3/HC to 3/HC Bk 4/HC to 4/HC Bk 5/HC to 5/HC Bk 6/HC to 6/HC Bk 7/HC to 7/HC Bk 8/HC to 8/HC Bk 9/HC to 9/HC Bk 10/HC to 10/HC Bk 11/HC to 11/HC Then Move From: Pictures\D\Dell\Tarzan (Dell) To: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\T\Tarzan- The Jesse Marsh Years (Edgar Rice Burroughs'-)
  10. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Spark PlugSpark Plug\Brad Trip To: Pictures\S\Spark Plug Comic Books\Brad Trip Delete or Rename 1.jpg to MMPB.jpg then Move From: Pictures\W\Warner Books\Batman- To Stalk A Specter To: Pictures\W\Warner\Batman- To Stalk A Specter Delete or Move 1.jpg & 2.jpg From: Pictures\T\Top Shelf\Broken Fender To: Pictures\T\Top Shelf\Broken Fender (2nd Series) Delete or Move 1-B.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Godzilla Rivals- Vs. Hedorah To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Godzilla Rivals vs. Hedorah Delete or Rename TPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\P\Paramount\Star Trek- 30 Years Delete 5.jpg From: Pictures\W\Wake\Ascencia (duplicate of 5-A.jpg) Rename 3.jpg to 3-B.jpg From: Pictures\K\Keenspot\Grubbs Rename TPB 1-2.jpg to TPB-2.jpg From: Pictures\P\Pocket\Star Trek Encyclopedia, The
  11. Try this: Where: (I.[Condition] LIKE 'CGC%' OR I.[Condition] LIKE 'CGC%'LIKE 'CBCS%') AND I.[QtyInStock] >= 1 Order By: I.[Title], I.[ItemType], I.[IssueNum], I.[Variation], I.[Printing]
  12. I am not sure but I think it is (only?) use for Digital Only issues. I did a Find for all the current Digital comics listed in CB (Find Variation Is Dig) and any that have notes have Digital Only. The Ones that didn't have notes only had Digital Issues in Title. Since you can add a Digital comic to a non-digital Issue, this make some sense.
  13. A Variation of Digital (displays as Dig) has been added so you can use that when you create a new Digital issue. As for the Digital Code sticker, that would probably be a matter of opinion. You could get really picky collectors who would consider the removal as negative for condition. Others probably won't care and could expect it to be removed. My bigger concern, long term, is what the glue used to mount that sticker will do to the page( s ) over time.
  14. Use of the CTRL for selecting non-consecutive items is a Windows function. Can you use CTRL in CB just to select non-consecutive Items (issues)? Also, try opening an Windows Explorer window (outside CB) and see if you can use CTRL to select non-consecutive files. If it works there, it should work in CB. It works on my Windows computer so it coup be a Parallels thing (maybe some setting is needed).
  15. To select non-consecutive Titles, press and Hold the CTRL key while clicking on the Titles (you can release the CTRL key while scrolling as long as you remember to press/hold it again before selecting more). The print is to small for me to read on the item checklist window but since it has a Red box around it, it needs something selected/corrected before the Print button will become active.
  16. Have you tried clicking in 'Selected Titles' in the Titles to Print' area?
  17. If I follow what you are doing, you have the text Custom Field 1 box (renamed to Autograph) filled in with the name of the person who signed an issue. To Find all of those issues (and maybe a few other things) if to do a Find with Item Fields of Custom Field 1 (or Autograph), Is Greater Than. You can leave the value box empty. This should find all the issues that have 'something' typed in the Custom Field 1 text box.
  18. Currently, there are only Custom Check boxes at the Title level.
  19. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Archie\Achie's Spring Break (Canadian Edition) To: Pictures\A\Archie\Archie's Spring Break (Canadian Edition) Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\E\Ed Hannigan- Covered (or Delete TPB.jpg then Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg as my 1.jpg is a better scan). Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 5.jpg) From: Harvey Horror’s Collected Works: Black Cat Mystery To: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horrors Collected Works- Black Cat Mystery Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 5.jpg) From: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horror's Collected Works- Chamber of Chills To: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horrors Collected Works- Chamber of Chills Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horror's Collected Works- Tomb of Terror To: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horrors Collected Works- Tomb of Terror Delete or Move ALL (1-HC.jpg - 4-HC.jpg) From: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horror's Collected Works- Witches Tales To: Pictures\P\PS Artbooks\Harvey Horrors Collected Works- Witches Tales Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to Dlx 1-HC.jpg then Move From: Pictures\M\Marvel\K\Ka-zar the Savage Omnibus To: Pictures\M\Marvel\K\Ka-Zar the Savage Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\H\Hamster\Comic Fandom Reader Rename 1-2.jpg to TPB-2.jpg From: Pictures\H\Hamster\Golden Age Of Comic Fandom, The Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\H\Harry N. Abrams\Horror! The Horror!, The Rename Bk 1.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\C\Chelsea House\Sex in the Comics Rename HC.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\T\Titan\Misadventures of Jane, The Rename 4-HC.jpg to 4.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\S\Sgt. Rock Archives, The Rename 7-HC.jpg to 7.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\W\Wonder Woman Archives Rename TPB.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\I\Invincible Gene Colan, The
  20. CB already har these Titles (with issues): Avengers (AAFES), #13 & 14 Captain America (AAFES), #17 Iron Man (AAFES), #15 New Avengers (AAFES), #3 & 19 Thor (AAFES), #16 My guess is that sometime in the past there was an AAFES Title (and associated Picture folder with covers) but HC decided to make them separate Titles. This 'orphan' picture folder, which no longer had a Title, was then associated with the new Title you created and therefore these older, 'orphaned' covers were displayed. Not sure about the Qty value changing or credits and I am not advocating for separate Titles or combining them. Just trying to explain why the covers 'just appeared'. PS If you do a Find in Notes that Contain AAFES, you can find all 17 issues listed in CB.
  21. I would suggest getting a barcode scanner (assuming you don't have one or that you can afford one). Barcodes started in the mid-70's. However, at the beginning, they used the same numbers over every year (i.e. the number used for Feb 1978 would be the same number used for Feb 1979). By the 80's, I believe, they were using the longer, more unique codes. CB has a lot of these already in the system (but not all, by any means). By using a barcode scanner, assuming the number is already in CB, with the 'Add by Barcode' menu item, it will find the issue being scanned, even if it is a non-intuitive location. If you don't have/want a barcode scanner, you will need to find each issue and change the Qty (in Stock) from 0 to 1 (or more if you have duplicates). If you know the Grade of the issue, you can change it on the 'Add by Barcode' window. Or you after entering the issues, you could use the 'Grading Item' menu option to get a general idea of the grade. If you have the Pro or Archive Edition, you can set up Custom Fields for thing like Location (box number). If you can't find a particular Issue, post information (and a cover scan would be helpful) and someone may be able to help you find it.
  22. Yes. The line between Comic Books and Books is a little fuzzy. Are Official Marvel Index to... Titles Books or Comic Books (currently in Comic Books). They are not stories. They are information on characters, creators, and have a synopsis, along with some illustrations (mostly of covers). The same could be said about Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook (which was recently moved from Books to Comic Books). It is not a comic story. Again, it is just information on characters and places. So, are these Who's Who's, Guidebooks, Indexes, etc. considered Comic Books or Books? Per 'it is an illustrated story where the artwork is needed for the story (as opposed to just random/spot illustrations that if removed would make no difference)', then all of these are Books. But I can see how some people would want them in Comic Books.
  23. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas Society Press\Anthem (Ayn Rand's...) - The Graphic Novel To: Pictures\A\Atlas Society Press\Anthem (Ayn Rand's-) - The Graphic Novel Delete or Move 2021.jpg From: Pictures\B\Bad Idea\Bad Ideal Crass Promotional Module To: Pictures\B\Bad Idea\Bad Idea Crass Promotional Module Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 1-F.jpg) From: Pictures\D\DC\B\Batman- The Adventures Continue Season II To: Pictures\D\DC\B\Batman- The Adventures Continue Season Two Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Abrams Comicarts\Dune the Graphic Novel (Frank Herbert's...) To: Pictures\A\Abrams Comicarts\Dune the Graphic Novel (Frank Herbert's-) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\G\Gold Key\Little Lulu Trick 'N' Treat (Marge's...) To: Pictures\G\Gold Key\Little Lulu Trick 'N' Treat (Marge's-) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\M\Magic- The Gathering- Gerard's Quest To: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\M\Magic- The Gathering- Gerrard's Quest Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Red Room To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Red Room- The Antisocial Network Delete or Move 1.jpg & 1-2.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boswell\Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman (Boswell) To: Pictures\E\Eclipse\Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman Delete or Move Dlx 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Scufprint\Trekker (Ron Randall's...)- Hunter's Moon To: Pictures\S\Scufprint\Trekker (Ron Randall's-)- Hunter's Moon Delete or Move TPB.jpg From: Pictures\N\National Lampoon\Book of Books (Jeff Greenfields...) To: Pictures\N\National Lampoon\Book of Books (Jeff Greenfield's-) Delete or Move 802.jpg From: Pictures\M\Montcalm\Twilight Zone Magazine (Rod Serling's...) To: Pictures\M\Montcalm\Twilight Zone Magazine (Rod Serling's-) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 1-6.jpg 2.jpg to 2-4.jpg 3.jpg to 3-4.jpg 4.jpg to 4-4.jpg 5.jpg to 5-3.jpg 6.jpg to 6-2.jpg Then Move From: Pictures\D\Deep Sea\Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman (Deep Sea) To: Pictures\E\Eclipse\Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman Rename 2-A.jpg to 2-2.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Secret War Delete or Rename FCBD 2006.jpg to FCBD 1.jpg From: Pictures\T\Tokyopop\Free Comic Book Day Sneaks To: Pictures\T\Tokyopop\Tokyopop Sneaks 2006 Rename 1.jpg to MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\Titan\Complete Predator Omnibus, The Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg 1-LE.jpg to HC-LE.jpg From: Pictures\H\HarperCollins\Coraline Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\TwoMorrows\Hawkman Companion, The Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\TwoMorrows\Legion Companion, The Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\B\BenBella\Man From Krypton, The- A Closer Look At Superman Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\TwoMorrows\Marvel Comics in the 1960s Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\TwoMorrows\Marvel Comics in the 1980s Rename BK 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ariel\Masterpieces of Science Fiction Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\Tundra\No Man's Land Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\TwoMorrows\Silver Age Sci-Fi Companion, The Rename TPB 2.jpg to 2.jpg TPB 2-2.jpg to 2-2.jpg TPB 3.jpg to 3.jpg From: Pictures\S\SJ\Heroines Showcase Art Portfolio
  24. Just started the Update and it is past the part were it got the error. Appears to be working normally, now.
  25. There may be a problem with it. If you click on the link (on the CB website) of the Last Content Update, all that shows up are one Changed Book Title and a bunch of Changed Comic Book Titles. There should be more information than that in it.
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