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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Delete or Move 9.jpg From: Pictures\I\I W Enterprises\Dynamic Adventures To: Pictures\I\I.W\Dynamic Adventures Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\I\I Don't Get It Graphics\I Know God Smiles on These Good Times To: Pictures\I\I Don't Get It\I Know God Smiles on These Good Times Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg-14.jpg) From: Pictures\I\I.W. Enterprises\Sharpy Fox To: Pictures\I\I.W\Sharpy Fox Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\T\Tundra\Melting Pot Sketchbook To: Pictures\T\Tundra\Sketchbook Series, The (Tundra) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\Z\Ziff-Davis\Sparkle (Ziff-Davis) To: Pictures\Z\Ziff-Davis\Sparkie (Ziff-Davis) Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - Bk 5.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Fallen Angel (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Fallen Angel (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg From: Maze Agency, The (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Maze Agency, The (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Dlx 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Mickey Mouse (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Mickey Mouse (IDW) Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Oliver Twist (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Oliver Twist (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 3.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Popeye (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Popeye (IDW) Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Robinson Crusoe (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Robinson Crusoe (IDW) Delete or Move 9.jpg and 10.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Scary (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Scary (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Shadowplay (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Shadowplay (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Smoke (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Smoke (IDW) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Spike (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Spike (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - SE 1.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Spike (Idea + Design Works, 2nd Series) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Spike (IDW, 2nd Series) Delete or Move ALL (0-A.jpg - 0-H.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (1-2.jpg - Bk 4.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers, The (Idea + Design Works, 2nd Series) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers, The (IDW, 2nd Series) Delete or Move ALL (1-2.jpg - HO 2021-A.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers (Idea + Design Works, 3rd Series) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers (IDW, 3rd Series) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Underworld (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Underworld (IDW) Delete or Move ALL (0.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Beowulf (Idea + Design Works) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Beowulf (IDW) Delete or Rename 2.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From Pictures\D\Dark Horse\N\New Two-Fisted Tales, The To: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\N\New Two-Fisted Tales, The (2nd Series) Delete 1-F.jpg From Pictures\M\Marvel\X\X-Men- Blue (Duplicate of 1-C.jpg) Delete or Move 137-A.jpg - 137-H.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\B\Batman To: Pictures\D\DC\B\Batman (3rd Series) (NOTE: They are so small, I would just delete them. If not, you may or may not need to match the covers to the variations.) Delete or Move 4.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\U\Untold Tales of I Hate Fairyland To: Probably Pictures\I\Image\U\Unbelievable, Unfortunately Mostly Unreadable and Nearly Unpublishable Untold Tales of I Hate Fairyland, The #4 but I can't verify this (and the existing cover scan is so small, I am just deleting it.)
  2. Idea + Design Works Publisher Name Change (I think Pete was going to mention this in the last Live-stream but...) An editorial decision was made to change publisher Idea + Design Works to IDW. For the most part you may not notice as it just required a name change of the folder name in the Pictures folder. However, where Idea + Design Works was used in the Title name, if you own issues in them you will need to manually move your inventory to the new name. (i.e. 'Fallen Angel (Idea + Design Works)' changed to 'Fallen Angel (IDW)').
  3. NOTE 1: The following comments only apply to Book types (specifically prose books). NOTE 2: When adding Publisher, I did not take the time to try an follow the byzantine changes when they went out of business and/or merged with other Publishers. After entering a few thousand books (with some 'mistakes' at the beginning' while on a learning curve). I have found it best to list the books as individual Titles with the Overall Title Name link used for the 'overall series' name for a few reasons. 1) Different Publishers. During the time the books are printed, they can have different publishers. I have also found it is a 'bad' idea to combine different publishers under one title, in general (see below for one possible exception). In the 'Incarnations of Immortality' series, They started with Publisher 'Del Rey', then switched to 'Avon' / 'William Morrow', and finally (so far), 'Mundania'. If all were in one title, you would need Notes to keep them straight. 2) Problems with assigning Item Numbers. You can get 'duplication' of numbers requiring the use of arbitrary Variations to distinguish them. Some made up examples. a) Initially, Publisher X puts out a 1st printing of a HC. Later, Publisher Y gets the rights and puts out another 1st Printing HC of the same book. If combined in to one Title, they both can't be HC. you would need to use HC (which at the time would have been correct for the first one) and later HC/A (since it is a 1st printing it can't be HC-2) even though it isn't really a variation. b) 'Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Del Rey)' Hardcover was published with 4 different covers. They are entered has HC/A, HC/B, HC/C, HC/D. If/When another publisher acquires the rights and prints the book again, it 'could' be added to the 'Del Rey' series but what would its issue number be? If shouldn't be HC/A-2 as it will be a 1st printing for the other company. It could be just HC (unless they also printed different covers). It could be HC/E with notes. None of those option are not optimal. Or It could be in its own title with the different publisher and there would be no problem assigning its Item Number (also, both would come up on a Title search). NOTE: One exception to a Title only having one Publisher is when the Print numbers are uninterrupted. For example 'Berkley' was bought/merged with 'Ace' around 1987/88. A Book is printed by 'Berkley' with 1st, 2nd, 3rd printing, then 'Ace' took over and continued with printings 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. In this case, I would place all the book into one Title with Berkley as the Publisher with Title Notes (preferred) or Issue Notes about the publisher change. Otherwise, it will look strange to see an 'Ace' Title that starts with 4th printing and people will wonder where the first 3 printings are (or mistakenly add them). (However, if 'Ace' had reset back to 1st printing, I would make a second Title. 3) Easier to Find If a Title 'Incarnations of Immortality' was created with all the books place in it., a Title search for 'On a Pale Horse' would not find anything. You could try a search on other fields (Storylines, Notes, Item Title) and, if any of those fields had the information, it could be found (with some work). However, if the books are entered as individual Titles with an Overall Title Name of ''Incarnations of Immortality', a search for either of them would find them (the single Title book with its link to the series, or the Title lists of all the series books). 4) Consistency (I hope). Since non-numbered series (i.e. Jack Reacher) of books shouldn't be forced into a made up title and need to be entered as individual Titles with Overall Title Name, to me, it seems better to use the same the same method for books like 'Incarnations of Immortality'. I have come across s set of books that have an overall series name with a number for the first ones then just Final for the last one (no number). Since you wouldn't know that 'last' book was not numbered, you would 'technically' need to go back and break it out into individual books or you would have to make up the last number (granted, it is sort of obvious but if that was the case, you could make up obvious numbers for Jack Reacher. To me it is all the same. Use the series name as an Overall Title and individual book Titles for (most) everything and (hopefully) there will be fewer problems in the future. 5) Publishers 'eccentric' behavior (to be nice about it...) As some (most?) of you will know, if a Publisher CAN do something to mess up a cataloging system, the WILL do it, eventually. By listing books in individual Titles with 'Overall Title Names', the problems they can cause will (hopefully) be mitigated (not sure they can be totally eliminated. They are publishers, after all. It is in their nature to do stupid creative things... ------------------------------ For the most part, I am trying to prevent the pitfalls that have come up with Comic Books due to starting in one direction (which was fine at the time) but eventually started getting complicated as time past (by then it was really to late to change the system). (As an example the Marvel Masterworks titles. There was an original print run, then a second print run years later (and maybe a third. Ideally, these different print runs should all be in different titles. But, they weren't and are combined in to one Title (per character) and you need a convoluted set of Issue numbers to try to uniquely identify them. Not blaming anyone. That is just have it evolved. I am trying to take that into consideration and not get prose books into that kind of situation. I understand wanting to 'group' like books together. I just think using the 'Overall Title Name' instead of putting everything into one Title is the better way of doing this.
  4. Not sure if this helps or not. Using Windows 11, Open Settings. Select Apps from the list on the left. Select Default Apps. Scroll all the way down and in Related Settings, expand Chose defaults by link type. Scroll down to HTTP and click on the item (Mine has Firefox Url:Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Select program to use. Or Have you tried closing CB and reopening it? (You can bring up the Content Updated window by selecting Check for Updates again.) Or Uninstall/Reinstall CB.
  5. Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 3-D.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Godzilla- War for Humanity To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Godzilla- War for Humanity Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 3-C.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\My Little Pony- Classics Reimagined-The Unicorn of Odd To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\My Little Pony- Classics Reimagined-The Unicorn of Odd Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 2-E.jpg) From: Pictures\I\IDW\Star Trek- Strange New Worlds-The Scorpius Run To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Star Trek- Strange New Worlds-The Scorpius Run Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Splintered Fate To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Splintered Fate Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Antarctic\William the Last To: Pictures\G\Guardian Knight\William the Last Delete or Move ALL (Except 1.jpg which can be Deleted) (1-A.jpg - 2-A.jpg) From: Pictures\V\Vault\Nasty To: Pictures\V\Vault\Nasty, The NOTE: 1.jpg doesn't match any covers in the TO title. Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\P\Power of Shazam, The- In the Beginning To: Pictures\D\DC\P\Power of Shazam!, The (2nd Series) Delete or Move 2.jpg From: Pictures\R\Radio\Sparkie To: Pictures\Z\Ziff-Davis\Sparkle (Ziff-Davis) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 11.jpg) From: Pictures\T\Tundra\Tundra Sketchbook Series To: Pictures\T\Tundra\Sketchbook Series, The (Tundra) Delete 1-S.jpg (or rename to 1-O.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Mighty Morphin Power Rangers- Pink (duplicate 1-S.jpg is a better quality cover of the correct 1-O.jpg)
  6. I think this would mean checking the 2,922 Comic Book pictures to see if they all need to be downloaded.
  7. A couple of things you can try. 1) Open Task Manager (with CB not running) and see if there are any ComicBase apps running. If there is, Right click on and and select End Task. or 2) Try rebooting your computer. One of these two have fixed the problem when I have encountered it.
  8. I just found a Uncanny X-men #129 with 12p on the cover where I can see the indicia. Comparing this to the US version, the indicia is identical indicating to me that the insides were printed at the same time but different covers were attached depending on where they would be sold. So, yes, it should belong in the UK Edition title.
  9. I am not positive about this answer but I believe the 12p on the cover is more important as that indicates the market is sells in.
  10. No. This would go in title Uncanny X-Men (UK Edition) as issue 111 (which CB doesn't appear to have).
  11. Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Dark Spaces- The Hollywood Special To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Dark Spaces- The Hollywood Special Delete or Move 4.jpg and 8.jpg From: Pictures\H\Headline\Dixie Dugan (Headline) To: Pictures\P\Prize\Dixie Dugan (Prize) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 6.jpg) From: Pictures\I\Image\H\Hey Kids! Comics!- Prophets & Loss To: Pictures\I\Image\H\Hey Kids! Comics! (Vol. 2) Delete or Move MC 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Monkeyshaver\How It Came to This- With Shithead & Winky To: Pictures\M\Monkeyshaver\How It Came to This- With Sh-thead & Winky Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 1-D.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Magic Planeswalker- Notorious To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Magic Planeswalkers- Notorious Delete or Move FCBD 2023.jpg From: Pictures\O\Oni\Punch! (Oni) To: Pictures\O\Oni\Punch Up! (Oni) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\B\Bliss On Tap\Shitkicker & Bullseye To: Pictures\B\Bliss On Tap\Sh-tkicker & Bullseye Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dave Baker\Shitty Dark Knight To: Pictures\D\Dave Baker\Sh-tty Dark Knight Delete 1-2.jpg From: Pictures\C\Charlton\Haunted Love (duplicate of 1-A.jpg) Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 3-A.jpg) From: Pictures\C\Cutaway\Paradise Towers- Paradise Lost To: Pictures\C\Cutaway\Paradise Towers- Paradise Found Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Spider-Man- Work in Progress Delete 1.jpg and 4.jpg From: Sports Book (Bill Stern’s…) NOTE: Duplicates of 10.jpg and 3.jpg, respectively. However, check the size / quality as you might want to rename the best instead of deleting. PS Title AMRA (Vol. 2) was deleted but I can't seem to find why or if it changed to something else.
  12. Tolkien: Lighting Up the Darkness is a pre-order and won't be out until 31 October. Amazon does list an Artist (Giancarlo Caracuzzo) which tend to indicate an actual comic book type of graphic novel.,
  13. Color of Her Panties (William Morrow) cover price corrected to 23.00 and submitted. Thanks.
  14. Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Classic Marvel Stories Artist's Edition (Mike Zeck's-)
  15. Delete or Move 6.jpg From: Pictures\H\Headline Publications\Going Steady (Vol. 3) To: Pictures\P\Prize\Going Steady (Prize)
  16. Delete or Move FCBD 2023.jpg From: Pictures\K\Kaboom!\Mech Cadets To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Mech Cadets Delete 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\All Time\All Time Comics- Crime Destroyer (duplicates of 1-A.jpg and 2-B.jpg, respectively) Delete 2-3.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\W\W0rldtr33 (duplicate of 2-A-3.jpg)
  17. CB has 2 fields: UPC and ISBN (There is also an AltUPC but that can be ignored for now) For modern Books the UPC is the composed of a composite of ISBN-13 + a checksum + Price ISBN contains the ISBN-10 number. (You can try to put the ISBN-13 there but if you the entire value in UPC and TAB out of the field, it will automatically fill in the ISBN-10 number (as CB decodes it). For your scanner to work successfully, it must be able to pick up the last 5 digits (get the full UPC). If it doesn't it will pick up what is the ISBN-13 number that is not stored in CB. Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to set up your scanner. You will need to get a manual for it which should have the codes to set it up properly, if it is capable of doing so. Not all scanners can do this. Your other book software must store the ISBN-13 number which is why it works there. PS Alt UPC is used when some older books have two UPC number. For example, Book title 'Losers, The (Del Rey)' MMPB has 07099900599738520 on the back cover and 978034538520850599 on the inside of the front cover.
  18. Delete or Rename TPB.jpg to MMPB.jpg then Move From: Pictures\B\Ballantine\She To: Pictures\B\Ballantine\She (Ballantine) Delete or Rename TPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Signet\Superman- The Best Of The Original Superman Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Arcturus\20th Century in Cartoons, The- A History in Pictures Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\H\Hermes\Adventurous Decade, The- Comic Strips in the Thirties Delete or Move FCBD 2016.jpg From: Pictures\G\Graphic India\Avatrex To: Pictures\G\Graphic India\Avatarex (Grant Morrison's-) Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg then Move From: Pictures\L\Lulu.com\Doc Savage (Lulu) To: Pictures\L\Lulu\Doc Savage (Lulu)
  19. "Titillating Tales of Dolly, The!" is incorrect as it displays just like that ("Titillating Tales of Dolly, The!"). It should be "Titillating Tales of Dolly!, The" to display properly as "The Titillating Tales of Dolly!".
  20. Delete or Rename MMPB 1.jpg to MMPB.jpg the Move From: Pictures\B\Berkley\Conan (Berkley) To: Pictures\B\Berkley\Hour of the Dragon, The (Berkley) Delete or Rename MMPB 2.jpg to MMPB.jpg the Move From: Pictures\B\Berkley\Conan (Berkley) To: Pictures\B\Berkley\People of the Black Circle, The (Berkley) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\C\Contemporary\Great History of Comic Books (Ron Goulart's-) Delet or Move 2.jpg From: Pictures\K\Key\Warpath To: Pictures\S\Stanley Morse\Warpath (Stanley Morse) Delete 0.jpg From: Pictures\L\Life's Romances\A-1 Comics (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete or Move Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\H\Harley Quinn Black + White + Redder To: Pictures\D\DC\H\Harley Quinn Black + White + Red Delete 0.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel Mart (duplicate of 1-A.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Ant-Man And The Wasp (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Black Panther (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Doctor Strange (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Loki (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Morbius (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete or rename Bk 1.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Wanda & Vision Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Ant-Man And The Wasp (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Ant-Man And The Wasp (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel-Verse- Ant-Man And The Wasp (duplicate of 1.jpg) Delete 11-W.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Vampirella (7th Series) (duplicate of 11-Q.jpg) Delete 1-G.jpg and 2-2.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\W\W0rldtr33 (duplicate of 1-A.jpg and 1-A-2.jpg, respectively) Delete 9.jpg, then Rename 8-A.jpg to 9.jpg From: Pictures\M\Modern Day\Weird Vampire Tales
  21. A little more information. The following names work: 1.pdf 1-HC.pdf Bk 1-A.pdf FCBD 2013.pdf 1-HC-2.pdf These names do NOT work: Bk 1-HC.pdf Dlx 1-HC.pdf Just ending in HC works successfully. But if there is a <space> in the name AND it ends with HC, it doesn't work.
  22. I added these and I believe the possessive is actually part of the title. But I could be wrong. If so, I think one would be Darkover (Marion Zimmer Bradley's…, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust) with both qualifiers in one set of parenthesis. If it helps to make a decision, 'Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover' is an anthology book that contains stories written by MZB (actually most are reprints from earlier anthologies).
  23. If you mean 'What If-- Dark- Loki', the actual title does not have a double dash ('What If…? Dark: Loki'), it is just that windows can't create a file name with … or ? so they are each replaced by a dash.
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