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Everything posted by Doug MedicAR
Where Should Le Black Chat Go?
Doug MedicAR replied to Doug MedicAR's topic in Content and Corrections
I'm thinking a note about Perrier simply for clarification? -
Where Should Le Black Chat Go?
Doug MedicAR replied to Doug MedicAR's topic in Content and Corrections
Correct. I'm sure there's some kind of joke in there beyond the obvious reference to the bottled water. I've read it but don't recall any in-story reference to a Perrier. I'll read it again to be sure though. To my knowledge, Matt Kindt had not used a pen name. His art is pretty distinctive and this book certainly fits his usual style. Plus, there's the pic of him on his Facebook page working on them... -
Batman Eternal issue 10
Doug MedicAR replied to William D. Mercer's topic in Content and Corrections
DC - Issues Missing Final Cover Artwork
Doug MedicAR replied to John R. Costa's topic in Content and Corrections
The few that I tried to change all suffer from the same problem as discussed in the thread above. -
Here's a really odd little book. It's a mini comic by Matt Kindt and it is tied in to his current miniseries, "Mind MGMT Bootleg." If you're not familiar with Matt Kindt, he is one of the most unique creators in comics. He has done a book and record set as well as a Jack Chick style book as part of his Mind MGMT series (world?). This mini comic is being printed as a back up story in the series "Mind MGMT Bootleg" but it was collected into this edition that was given away at SDCC 2022. The confusion arises from the fact that there is no indicia, the only credit is on the front cover and reads "by Perrier." There is no publisher listed, no date, no price, no UPC, just a comic story. It mentions "Mind MGMT" in the context of the story but otherwise appears to be a standalone book. Mr. Kindt has posted pictures of the process of its creation and said that it would be handed out to the first 50 attendees of his panel at SDCC. So does it belong with Mind MGMT? Does it get its own entry? Do I credit Matt Kindt or Perrier?
New Fantastic Four #1-G is listed as a Todd Nauck cover and even has a UPC but I can't find any evidence that this particular book exists. There is a forthcoming second print (to release on 8/3/2022) of this issue with a Todd Nauck cover but I can't find where one exists as yet.
Consistency in Multiple Series Titles (e.g. Metal Men)
Doug MedicAR replied to Walt Grogan's topic in Content and Corrections
While they are very different in the type of correction, they're not different at all to the user with those titles in stock. One is a fix of typographic errors that border on unnoticeable, the other is a fix to titles that were entered using a variety of methods over a long period of time creating difficulty for users. Both require the user to either move their entries to the new title or miss out on the benefits included with CB. Either way, the decision is made that one is worthy of an end user having to make a tweak to their database while the other is not. It's absurd to me that having users move entries for a deleted space is acceptable while leaving series with the same title a complete mess for fear of confusing the users is a good idea. Additionally, these flaws are not just a difficulty for CB users, they become a difficulty for Atomic Avenue users as well. While weeding through Metal Men, one is likely to come across the title they are looking for within a very short time. If one searches for Avatarex, they are very likely going to find it with or without the space after the ellipsis. If looking for the Justice League Spectacular (as mentioned in another thread) a new CB user will have considerable difficulty if they find it at all. If looking to purchase the book, many potential Atomic Avenue customers will likely stop looking pretty quickly, costing sellers potential buyers. When pushing for a fix on these series' titles, I'm not even saying it needs to be done my way. It does need to done in some way that is quickly and easily recognizable to the newest user. I am quick to recommend CB when people ask for a way to catalog their collection but I do it with the caveat that the titles don't always make sense and that one may have to search a bit to find the correct title for their book. -
Consistency in Multiple Series Titles (e.g. Metal Men)
Doug MedicAR replied to Walt Grogan's topic in Content and Corrections
I picked the two that showed up on my list but logically, there had to be others. I 100% agree that these changes should have been made. The frustration arises from the fact that a single space in an obscure title is deemed important enough to inconvenience users but something as important as putting entire series in a reasonable order isn't a concern. How about this, we get titles like Metal Men, Star Wars, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Wolverine, Avengers, Challengers of the Unknown, etc. corrected like Walt has suggested with a year at then end of the title. This may be a year long project with many of us working on it both in the field and at HC. Once completed, a single long list is sent to all users to inform them of the changes and that they need to check their databases and transfer the books in their collection to the new titles. Plan B would be that as titles are brought into line, once a month, a notice is sent along with the updates, similar to how a new build of CB is pushed out. Users would see the titles are changed and could move their books to the new titles in smaller pieces to make it seem less overwhelming. I have more than 21,000 books in CB right now. To say that it will be a huge project to move even the portion that are involved with correcting just the titles I listed in this post is an understatement. The reality is that for CB to remain relevant, it must be accurate and organized in a way that even the most novice collector can quickly and easily find titles. -
Consistency in Multiple Series Titles (e.g. Metal Men)
Doug MedicAR replied to Walt Grogan's topic in Content and Corrections
Sorry, Walt, you're talking above my head. It came out in the Unrecognized Items, so I assume there must be some kind of change made as they weren't there in the past. -
The Avengers (1963) #1 has six variants listed. The first variant, #1-A has the title "The Coming of the Avengers" on the cover was released in 2012. The blasphemy that is the cover is correct in the pic. Who ever thought that Jack Kirby's original cover needed to be drowned by an extremely heavy handed modern colorist? The colorist's work on this cover makes Vince Colletta's inks look like a refined master. To make it worse, look at Iron Man's head. They not only made a mess of the colors, but added lines that make him look like a turtle trying to hide in its shell. The indicia reads "Avengers 1: The Coming of the Avengers!" so it really should be it's own title, not that it matters. The second variant, #1-B, is listed as the "El Capitan Theatre" variant but has the J. Scott Campbell variant cover for StanLeeCollectibles.com pictured. This book is actually a variant of #1-A and has the correct picture listed under #1-E. The El Capitan Theatre logo on the cover gives it away. El Capitan was released in 2012, the StanLeeCollectibles.com was released in 2014. Klaus Janson DID NOT ink the cover. Nei Ruffino colored this cover as indicated on the limited edition lithograph produced from the same art. Since there is a color credit but no inker mentioned, I think it is safe to say that if there is an inked version, J. Scott Campbell was responsible for the inks. #1-C is the sketch version of the J. Scott Campbell variant produced for StanLeeCollectibles.com which is noted on the lower left of the cover. It is produced from the pencils, there is no inker. I feel like it was also offered through the JScottCampbell.com store as they currently have shared exclusives but I can't be certain. #1-D has the exact same pic as #1-C but purports to be signed by Dick Ayers and limited to 50 copies. No signature is visible and while certainly possible, I think this is unlikely as this issue was offered initially as an SDCC exclusive and is still frequently referred to as such. It was released in 2014 and SDCC is generally in July but Mr. Ayers died in May of 2014. He may have signed some prior to his passing, but I have never seen one available and cannot find any references to them. Does anyone actually have a copy? Did it include a COA as that it apparently the minimum necessary to get signed issues listed? #1-E has no description whatsoever but the notes indicate that is was limited to 1500 copies printed for the El Capitan Theatre for the Avengers movie premiere. The pic is correct and has the John Romita Jr. cover pictured, again with the El Capitan Theatre logo on the cover to help verify it. The cover is inked and signed by Klaus Janson with colors by Dean White. I do not have a raw copy and cannot verify that the interior colors have or have not been "remastered." #1 is fine. #1-A is fine, cover art not withstanding. #1-B should be the El Capitan Theatre edition and have the pic from #1-E attached to it. It was released in 2012 and is a variant cover for #1-A, so I'm thinking this should be #1-B. The credits need to be cleaned up as well with John Romita Jr, on the cover, Klaus Janson inking the cover, and Dean White somewhere in the colorist section. UPC is 75960607726700121 #1-C need some cleanup. There is no cover inker and the description should probably include StanLeeCollectibles.com variant or Stan Lee surrounded by Marvel heroes. No UPC is on this book. #1-D possibly deleted? #1-E I guess should be the StanLeeCollectibles.com color variant with the pic from #1-B attached to it. It has a J. Scott Campbell cover/inks with colors by Nei Ruffino. No UPC is on this book. #1-F is fine, I assume. I don't have this one. If this sounds a bit hostile, I'm sorry but this isn't the first time I've corrected these books. The one signed by Ayers is new but otherwise I've submitted corrections on these before, seen them correct, and now they're a mess again. I'm confident that I added the Campbell cover and the Theatre edition initially with all the correct info as they were released some time apart.
Consistency in Multiple Series Titles (e.g. Metal Men)
Doug MedicAR replied to Walt Grogan's topic in Content and Corrections
So what is the threshold for it being "okay" to change a title? This week, I had two come back as Unrecognized Comic Titles. They were "Avatarex (Grant Morrison’s… )" and "Night Terrors: Graveyard Moon (John Carpenter’s… )". They were changed to "Avatarex (Grant Morrison’s…)" and "Night Terrors: Graveyard Moon (John Carpenter’s…)". I'l wait while you find the difference. SPOILERS BELOW.... Did you find it? Did you find that a single space after the ellipsis in each title was removed? A SINGLE SPACE. We changed two titles for a single space in the title. How is this acceptable but it is somehow not acceptable to change titles as mentioned in this thread to fix them so that they make some kind of sense? We have discussed how it might inconvenience some collectors and prevent them from getting updates to the titles that they own. Why inconvenience some collectors for the sake of a single space in a title but not others to make huge corrections to make the db follow some sensible order? -
Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children was a comic book
Doug MedicAR replied to Michael Allen's topic in Content and Corrections
Wow....just....wow. What a mess this title became. I personally prefer that it be left as a comic but I also understand why it was moved away from that format. What I don't understand is how it became a book instead of a magazine. "TPB" doesn't work at all and now there are deluxe editions thrown in to make it extra confusing. If I recall correctly, it was published monthly and was generally on time more than any other books of the era. -
In addition to slowing things down, without the knowledge I now have from digging all over for information on these books, it doesn't make any sense. The original title was "Justice League" in 1987 but that became "Justice League International," which changed titles in 1989 to "Justice League America." The trouble is that the books in question were placed under Justice League America, throwing a word into the title that is nowhere on these books. I understand that these two have the same writer/artist as was on the main title at the time but finding it would be near impossible without knowing that or looking for the title.
Just noticed the price on this is different in the old comic listing, the TPB was $61 which is probably right but the listing in books only shows cover.
Sorry, I’m more than a little out of sorts. Headache is back, not as intense but just as steady as the last one. Thankfully, it looks like this has been pulled together. I have the original prose book and had no idea that there was a MMPB until I had to move mine into that title. Big thanks to everyone that helped clear this up!
I got the pic to upload, I had misnamed it..... 🙄
Hellboy: The Lost Army (Novel) had its information lost in translation. It had been correct for more than 20 years but now has a more recent version's cover displayed with an incorrect price. The original cover is below and I submitted information on the original(?) version's information that I assume should be the TPB. I'm unsure because all the information on both versions is identical now, including the pic. I tried to submit what I believe to be the correct pic but for whatever reason, it doesn't appear to get accepted.
As mentioned before, I like to add my own pics on some special issues so that I have easy access in one place to all my books. These are generally blank covers with sketches on them. Additionally, I much prefer to enter FCBD issues as such in their respective titles using the year as the issue/item number. While convenient and easy on one hand, it creates a very lengthy "Unrecognized Items" report on the other. Could a field or check box be created where items would be skipped during the updates so that they are left in place and don't show up in the "Unrecognized Items" list? They already don't get price updates which is more than okay with me as I don't plan to sell the high end items and the low end items rarely change enough to warrant a second glance.
Find (Ctrl-F) for current title only
Doug MedicAR replied to Arun Rohila's topic in Feature Suggestions
I like this too. I've manually done searches like this in the past and wished for something similar. -
Thank you for this. I'm not a computer guy so I get lost in the jargon. I believe what you are suggesting is exactly what I have in mind. That said, it concerns me a bit that I had the same thought because HC has people trained in this and that have actually built all of this. Wouldn't they have already hit on it?
Completely Out Of Left Field
Doug MedicAR replied to Doug MedicAR's topic in News & General Discussion
My interpretation as well. -
Mine works as well!
Completely Out Of Left Field
Doug MedicAR replied to Doug MedicAR's topic in News & General Discussion
Wow, I never imagined it would go 100, 200, 100,000! Thanks for the info! -
Just curious, does anyone have the badges in their profile between "200 correction points" and "Making the Charts"? From where I sit, it looks like they should likely be related to correction points and I should probably have made at least one of them in between by now. I'm not trying to spoil the mystery, so if you prefer you can PM me.