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Clean up for 08/16/2023 content update

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A hardcover version of the book Color of Her Panties (William Morrow) was added in this update, with the cover price listed as $213.00.  That sounds like an unusual price point for a book, can you verify that is the cover price rather than the current value for that item?

The comic title Bunsen Beaver and HIs Pal Tree was added.  Note that "HIs" contains two capital letters.  Is that how it is presented in the indicia or should that be corrected?

The comic title Die Antwoord: F*ck Everyone* was added.  I forget, so please remind me: is it CB policy to asterisk F-bombs that show up in comic titles?  (I assume that the indicia uses the full word since that is how it is presented on the cover.) 
Also, does that second asterisk belong there?  (It is on the cover of the 2nd printing but not on the cover of the 1st printing).  

The comic title Tolkien: Lighting Up the Darkness was added.  Is this a comic or a book?

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8 hours ago, Steven L. Dasinger said:

Tolkien: Lighting Up the Darkness is a pre-order and won't be out until 31 October.

Amazon does list an Artist (Giancarlo Caracuzzo) which tend to indicate an actual comic book type of graphic novel., 

I found the solicitation info for this, and that indicates this is a graphic novel, 

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