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Personal Collection-Specific Information

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Where in a ComicBase record can I record information specific to my own collection and not inflict it on the rest of you? E.g., I have "Marked" Psycho #6 (Skywald, 1972), but would like to record the fact that the reason it is "Marked" is because I want to replace it because of condition issues. Where do I do that?  Thanks! Brian S.

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'Item Description' is used to identify the issue. It is controlled (to an extent) by the editors so it doesn't turn into the mess that Notes has become. There is a format that should be followed (don't recall it at the moment).

'Notes' is used for any information and is not controlled (as much) by the editors. It is hard to get rid of 'almost' duplicate information (same text with slight differences like 'First appearance of xxx' '1st xxx' '1st Appearance of character xxx', etc.).

PS Currently some text with certain keywords gets moved from Notes to Item Description. Keyswords are 'cover' 'Edition' 'printing' (there may be a couple more). This feature will be turned off in the (to be determined) future.

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