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Gregory Hecht

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Everything posted by Gregory Hecht

  1. This week's update added a lot of Blake's 7 and Doctor Who novelizations. Which is great, but they are all listed as TPB. Are these TPB or are they Mass-Market Paperbacks? I don't own any of them, so I don't know from first-hand information, but a spot check of some of them on Amazon indicates that many of these are 4" x 7" which is mmpb size, not tpb size.
  2. Just posted on ComicBase homepage a few minutes ago today (3/17): Please Stand By No Livestream today, sorry!(Still waiting on some equipment to arrive, some third parties to do their thing before we can show off what we meant to today). If things change, we'll see if we can get one going later this week--otherwise, we'll pick it up at our usual time of 4PM Central next Wednesday.
  3. I noticed that there isn't a new Livestream announcement on the ComicBase homepage for today. Does this mean that Pete is taking a break from the Livestream this week?
  4. Your best bet would be to search in the database for the relevant title. In some vary rare cases, these kinds of issues ended up in their own separate title but usually they are grouped in with the regular "normal" issues. The Project Superpowers Chapter Two Prelude issue was given its own title. The database lists three variants. I am fairly sure that there was not a Wizard magazine version of that particular issue. There *was* a Project Superpowers #1/2 issue that was put out through Wizard, and that has been catalogued in the database with the first Project Superpowers title.
  5. I know that these have been in the database for quite a while, but I'm going to pass these along anyway: 1. The database lists Astro City: The Dark Age. The indicia actually says: Astro City: Dark Age/Book One. [no "The" in the title] 2. The database lists Astro City: Dark Ages/Book Two. The indicia actually says: Astro City: Dark Age/Book Two. ["Age" vs. "Ages"] 3. The database lists Astro City: The Dark Age Book 3. The indicia actually says: Astro City: Dark Age/Book Three. [multiple differences: no "The"; slash included in title; "3" is spelled out as "Three"] [The last issue of this series actually has a typo in the indicia "Lastro City: Dark Age/Book Three" but I recommend that we not pay attention to that] 4. The database lists Astro City: The Dark Age Book 4. The indicia actually says: Astro City: The Dark Age Book Four. ["4" is spelled out as "Four"... but this time "The" *is* in the indicia and there is no slash. Obviously the Wildstorm editorial team wanted to see if we were all paying attention.]
  6. Not a recent addition, but a similar issue: all of the items for Marvel Comics Novel (Pocket) are listed as tpb. They are mass-market paperbacks.
  7. A little slow on this one, but here it is anyway: Last week's update added the title Fear Book (John L. Byrne's...). The book in the entry is listed as a tpb, it should actually be a mass-market paperback. Also, the title should really be Fearbook (John L. Byrne's...) [note the missing space]. The book title is not listed on the indicia page, but it is listed at the top of each of the odd-numbered pages. Is listed there as Fearbook without the space.
  8. The Unexpected (2nd series) #2 is a duplication of The Unexpected (3rd series) #3. The 2nd series was a one-shot, so the #2 listing in that title should be deleted.
  9. The notes for variants "I" through "O" say that there is a certificate of authenticity included. ComicBase will track signed variants if there is a COA.
  10. This week's update added Heavy Metal (2nd series) #303 and #303/A. This is a situation similar to Dynamite's comics where the publisher includes a list of covers inside the issue and includes letter designations for each of the variants. Thus, there should be no #303 for this series, only #303/A (which I submitted yesterday) and #303/B. The regular #303 issue should be deleted. This is in keeping with how other issues in this title have been handled. I would also note that whoever entered the regular #303 issue used incorrect cover price info. The cover price for Heavy Metal is no longer $9.99. It has been $13.99 starting with issue #301. There is also a generic issue #301 in this title that needs to be deleted. So, in summary, here is what needs to be done: • Delete #301 and #303 (keep the #301 and #303 variants, however!) • Add #303/B • Change the cover price for both #301/A and #301B to $13.99
  11. Can anybody verify that Secret History: Games of Chance was ever published by Archaia? I have found indications that although all five floppies were solicited, they were also cancelled. I'm not finding definitive evidence that the hardcover collection exists, either. The title is not listed at Mile High, MyComicShop, or the GCD. Does anybody have any evidence that it exists?
  12. Which Batman series are you talking about here? All of the ComicBase titles that have "Canadian Edition" in their title can be seen here. If you are talking about Canadian versions of the original Batman title, then you should add your issues to this title. If your issues are Canadian versions of Batman (2nd series), then you should create a title in your database Batman (2nd series, Canadian edition). (Don't forget to submit the info -- along with cover scans if you can -- to the folks at HC.) If your issues are Canadian versions of Batman (3rd series), then you should create a title in your database Batman (3rd series, Canadian edition). (ditto re: my note above about submitting to HC)
  13. Marc, is there any chance that HC can set up their standard procedure to check Dynamite's books for cover galleries and assign variant letters in the database that match those assigned by the publisher? This would help avoid situations like what Adam describes. Thanks!
  14. This week's update added the comic book title Captain America Anniversary Tribute #1. Should the "#1" really be part of the title? Also added was the title fun-In (K.G. Murray). I suspect that the "f" should be capitalized here since that is how the Gold Key series is treated in the database. The Marvel on Disney XD Coloring and Activity Book was added as a comic book. Should this be a comic book or a book?
  15. Simply re-post your inventory to Atomic Avenue. If you already have AA inventory, it will be overwritten by the new inventory as long as you are uploading from the same database that you used to upload originally.
  16. If it is an older comic, the odds that two missing variants would be submitted in the same week are probably low. But for new and fairly recent comics, I can see this as a concern. You can always post on these boards or email support, that gives Marc, Pete, or somebody else at HC to communicate back to you if they will be using a different variant designation than the one that you selected.
  17. The database lists hardcovers 1 through 4 for Pre-Code Classics: Space Adventures. This title changed to Silver Age Classics: Space Adventures once it started reprinting issues that were published after the implementation of the Comics Code. That title change took effect with volume 4. So Pre-Code Classics: Space Adventures #4/HC should actually be Silver Age Classics: Space Adventures #4/HC.
  18. I think that the notes field for Suicide Squad #11 got messed up somewhere along the line and needs a clean-up. I *think* it should read "Millennium Week 4 Crossover, Cover forms image with Spectre #10, Detective Comics #582, Captain Atom #11; Julianna Ferriter credit in #13"
  19. Similarly, it looks like Mighty Marvel Western #33 has the same error. The cover price is 25 cents, but the database field shows 20 cents.
  20. I don't think that there is a 20 cent version of Mighty Marvel Western #32. The scan for that issue in the database shows 25 cents on the cover. I'm not finding any information about a 20 cent version for that issue. I think that this is a case where the cover price field is simply incorrect. So my recommendation would NOT be to create a new variant. Instead, go into the cover price field for that issue, make the correction, and then submit it.
  21. For deletions, the best bet would be to either email support or post on these boards. The correction submission function from your database doesn't really handle deletions... and deletions often require some sort of explanation anyway, so best to do that via email or public board posting. Generally speaking, go ahead and create the entry in CB and submit. But, if you are entering something that is complicated for some reason, then posting to the boards can generate some helpful discussion. Also, if you can't find a fairly common title, it might be best to post on the boards for assistance before you create an entry. Hypothetical example: you can't find the 1970's Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man series... posting on the boards will result in somebody pointing out that the title is already in the database as Spectacular Spider-Man, The. Usually the reason behind that occurrence is that the existing cover file is larger than the cover file that you want to upload. The fix is to email the cover to support. Good rule of thumb: if the thing that needs correcting is complex and/or nuanced, please post on the boards! Even though these boards aren't necessarily a high traffic location on the interwebs, there is a pretty good pool of expertise here (from both HC and from CB users) that things often get sorted out pretty quickly. 😁
  22. This week's update added the title Illustrators to the database as a comic. I am pretty sure that this is a duplication of the magazine title Illustrators that already exists in the database. The title Junk Force Novel was also added to comic books, but I think that is also a duplication of an already-existing Book title. My understanding is that this is a prose book, so it should remain as a Book.
  23. I don't know if this feature still exists in CB, but at one point in time you could edit the Title description information and I *think* that you could get hyperlinks in there (but I could be misremembering that part). But I agree with you, it would be a good feature to have, particularly since we are deep into an era of frequent relaunches of the same title/character.
  24. As I indicated upthread, I did do that.
  25. I would also like to see this topic addressed in the Livestream.
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