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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Greg, I am not sure if this gets you what you are looking for. It uses ValueYear4 to get the Current Price which is not accurate. If you have Locked the Price, the actual value you want for that week is not stored in the database (I don't believe). However, I checked a new database and all the Price and ValueYear4 matched in value (except for 2 which looked like they rounded to nearest whole dollar). What this does is uses the Condition value in a CASE expression to convert to the Percent value then multiplies with the ValueYear4 to get the adjusted price per Condition. I.Price < (I.ValueYear4 * CASE I.Condition WHEN 'MT' THEN 1.5 1.05 WHEN 'NM' THEN 1 WHEN 'NM-' THEN .9 WHEN 'VF-NM' THEN .8 WHEN 'VF' THEN .66 WHEN 'FN' THEN .33 WHEN 'VG' THEN .20 WHEN 'G' THEN .13 WHEN 'FA' THEN .08 WHEN 'P' THEN .02 END) * .5 PS If you have other than the Standard Conditions (CGC for example), you will need to use Setup->Grading... to get the Text value (under Cond) and the Percent value (under % of NM) and add additional WHEN ... THEN ... statements.
  2. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\T\Top Shelf\Boy In My Pocket To: Pictures\T\Top Shelf\Billy Dogma Experience, The- Boy in my Pocket Delete 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\C\Crown\All I Really Need to Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek (Duplicate of HC.jpg) Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\R\Rutgers University\Desegregating Comics (Duplicate of TPB.jpg) Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\O\OTR\Green Hornet, The- A History of Radio, Motion Pictures, Comics, and Television (Duplicate of TPB.jpg) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantoons\Iron Maiden Coloring Book Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\T\Toledo Zoo\Memorial Guide To The Toledo Zoo Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\U\University Press of Mississippi\Super Heroes- A Modern Mythology Delete or Rename 2060.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\W\Whitman\Superman Smashes the Secret of the Mad Director Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\S\SIU\World of Fanzines, The Delete 12-C.jpg From: Pictures\T\Titan\Doctor Who- The Eleventh Doctor (Duplicate of 12-B.jpg) Delete 12-X.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Vampirella (7th Series) (Duplicate of 12-HC.jpg) Delete 501.jpg (Duplicate of 25.jpg), Delete 806.jpg (Duplicate of 48.jpg), Rename 1805.jpg to 110.jpg, Rename 1807.jpg to 112.jpg, Rename 1904.jpg to 121.jpg From: Pictures\P\Paizo\Dungeon (Magazine)
  3. I checked and I don't have those 28 extra covers. If you have the Archive Edition there is a way to get rid of 'orphan' covers (covers that do not have a matching issue in CB). Open File Tools. Press and Hold ALT while selecting Manage Pictures and Movies'. When the window comes up, there should be a 'Copy Pictures For Existing Items' button in the lower left cover. Click this will start a process where CB will compare every cover scan file to the Title/Issues in CB. If it is found, it will copy it to a different location (one you specify). If it is NOT found it will not copy it. Once the process is finished, you can either Point you CB to this new Pictures file location (remember to point to the Folder that CONTAINS the Pictures folder). or Delete (or rename) the original location to something else, then copy the new picture folder contents to the original location. PS It would hurt to run a Rebuild LIsts for Picture information to get everything back into sync (picture information in CB).
  4. You can also try to press and hold the CTRL key when starting CB. This will ask if you want to 'Recreate the database indexes?'. Click yes. This may (or may not) clean up the problem.
  5. Use the TAB delimited option instead of comma delimited. I also have issues with the Comma but the TAB delimited always works (for me).
  6. I am not saying it isn't a valid suggestion. I (and possibly the editors) may not have been sure what you had in mind. 1st appearances, deaths, etc. could be Major. I am not sure what would be considered minor, however.
  7. What would be major and minor key icons?
  8. Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB-A.jpg the Move From: Pictures\O\Opus Books\Batman's Arsenal- Encyclopedic Chronicle To: Pictures\O\Opus\Batman's Arsenal- Encyclopedic Chronicle Delete or Move ALL (1-E.jpg - 1-G.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Sins of Sinister- Dominion To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Sins of Sinister Dominion Delete 2.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\B\Blue Book (Duplicate of 2-A.jpg) Delete or Move 234.jpg and 247.jpg From: Pictures\Z\Zig-Zag\Jinete Fantasma, El To: Pictures\Z\Zig-Zag\Manque, El
  9. Yes, Tales. That will teach me to try typing during a Livestream...
  10. AA and my database has title 'DC Silent Tales'. UPC is 76194137882400111. There is also a 'DC Speechless with the same UPC. 'DC Silent Tapes' has covers with 'DC Silent Tapes' My guess is that 'DC Speechless' was put when it was solicited and should probably be deleted as it appears the actual title changed to 'DC Silent Tapes'.
  11. Can you be a little clearer? What is 'Zappy Zap' (although I can make a guess)? What exactly is happening?
  12. Can you include a screen print of the report options for the Identification Labels?
  13. I don't have a label printer so I can't test this out but you might try: Start on a Title that has some issues you own. Use menu item Report->Identification Labels. In the Series to Print area, select 'Current Series' (You can select series/issues from inside the report but for testing it is easier to start from a title you have some issues in). Alternately, you can select/hi-light one or more issues you own, right-click and select Identification labels from the pop-up menu (or use F6). Below select any of the information you want on the label. In the Printer drop-down box in the top right corner, select your label writer. It should be in the list. If not that is your first problem. Next select a Label type. I am assuming the only difference between the Dymo Address and Dymo Shipping are the size (Address is about 1 inch wide while the Shipping is about 2 inches wide). Select one of them (I would start with Dymo Address). Click on the Preview button. Does this bring up a window with a representation of what the label looks like? If it does, try to print it from the preview. It is the second icon from the left in the top left corner. Did that work? If none of that worked, if you have a regular printer avaiable, can you print to a normal piece of paper (8/1/2 x 11) just to see if CB and Windows are 'talking' to each other.
  14. Sorry, forgot the cover scan info. Yes, the scan should be cropped. Any size is acceptable (greater than 300 dpi is overkill, however). It must be a *.jpg file. To name it, you the Issue number as it appears in CB EXCEPT replace any '/' with a '-' (since Windows doesn't allow the '/' in a file/directory name). Some examples: Issue # Cover_Scan file name 1 1.jpg 1/A 1-A.jpg Bk 1 Bk 1.jpg Bk 1/HC Bk 1-HC.jpg Bk 1/HC-2 Bk 1-HC-2.jpg Once you have the file name, drag/drop it in the grid area of CB (where the data is). This will place it in the correct picture folder (creating the folder for the title if it didn't exist). By default, the cover scans are stored in C drive \Users\Public\Documents\Human Computing\Pictures Inside the Pictures folder are folders named #, A through Z (27 total) which is the first letter of the Publisher (If a number it would be in the # folder). Each of these are folder with Publisher names. Each on these contain the Titles for those publishers. NOTE: the only exceptions are Dark Horse, DC, Image, and Marvel. At the time they had so many titles, that each of them has an additional set of # A through Z folder which contain Title folder names. Finally, you can change the location of the Pictures folder File-File Tools, Manage Pictures and Movies. If you do this, put in the name of the folder that CONTAINS the Pictures folder and NOT the actual Pictures folder itself.
  15. Not quite. Items->New Comic Book is used to add a new Title. What you want (unless you really have a new title not in CB) is do the following. To add a new issue you go the title, then click on the + / - button located in the Middle right-side of the window (just above the 'splitter' line separating the issue grid information for the top part of the window). See attachment 1. By default it will start with the next issue number. YOu can change any/all information. Alternately, you can select / hi-light the issue number you want to add a duplicate for, Right-Click and select Duplicate from the pop-up menu. This will bring up an issue edit window with all the information of the issue you are duplicating. Again, you can change any/all information as needed. See Attachment 2.
  16. Add new content does not work only on existing issues. You can add a new issue (with minimal information if you don't have time). This would include enough information to define or identify it (and cover scan helps). Once added, you can click on it and submit the new information. Variants are a tricky item, however. You might need to check with the editors to see if is there or how to name it (mostly this is with lettered variant (i.e. A, B. C). Yes, you can post here is you are trying to find if an issue exists but is just hard to find. If you do, include enough information to be able to identify it. Barcode, cover scan, title (cover and/or indicia), title, issue number, publisher, etc. are helpful.
  17. Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-B.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Archie\Betty- The Final Girl To: Pictures\A\Archie\Chilling Adventures Presents- Betty the Final Girl Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\Y\Yen\I am Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but I am Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as a Elf Girl's Pet To: Pictures\Y\Yen\I'm a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf Girl's Pet Delete 1-F.jpg From: Pictures\A\Archie\Hangman, The (duplicate of 1-E.jpg)
  18. If your question is 'Is it in CB' the answer is no. If you have a copy, you can add it to CB and submit it for inclusion.
  19. I just received an email that the sale has been extended 1 day (midnight CT tonight).
  20. I would call support to see if they can help.
  21. Normally, it just takes a bit to sync up. However, this appears to be something missed on HC's end since it has been way past long enough to sync. Unfortunately, Pete is marked as on vacation so this may not be corrected until he gets back (Monday?).
  22. The Direct Market editions of 'Savage Avengers by Gerry Duggan Omnibus' and 'Secret Wars Omnibus' are listed as issues 1/A in both titles. Not sure what is going on with 'Absolute Swamp Thing by Len Wein & Bernie Wrightson'. There is a Title entry in CB but it has no issues under it.
  23. Delete or Rename HC.jpg to HC 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\U\Urban Devil\Dan Panosian- Urban Barbarian Collected Works To: Pictures\U\Urban Devil\Dan Panosian-Urban Barbarian Collected Works Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\Y\Yen\I am Behemoth of the S Ranked Monster But I am Mistaken as a Cat and I Live as a Pet of Elf Girl To: Pictures\Y\Yen\I am Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but I am Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as a Elf Girl's Pet Delete or rename 1.jpg to 1-HC.jpg then Move From: Pictures\Y\Yen\Interview With the Vampire To: Pictures\Y\Yen\Interview with the Vampire- Claudia's Story Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-B.jpg) From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Starring Sonya Devereaux- Violent Vixen To: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Starring Sonya Devereaux- Violet Vixen Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 20.jpg) From: Pictures\Y\Yen\Trinity Seven To: Pictures\Y\Yen\Trinity Seven- The Seven Magicians
  24. Try this. Go to the ComicBase website. Select My Accounts and then Profile. Scroll down to Know Databases. Remove all entries. Then go to My Account and My Comics. Remove any databases and/or Reports. Open CB. Select File->Collection Statistics. (or Press F12). After that, if you go back to the ComicBase website and My Accounts, it should just have the one database listed. If you save a report, it should be associated with that database. Finally, open the mobile app, It should only be able to find the one correct database and any reports saved for it.
  25. I am not sure why we are not communicating. The information about the price difference has been noted. This is NOT about that. What is being asked is the error you get whenever you try to use Request Price Check so it can be looked into. So, select any issues, Right-click and select Request Price Check from the pop-up menu. When you get the error, take a screen print of it and post it.
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