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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. No. I am using CB 2020 Archive Edition v20.0.3.3829. (I have access to CB 2017 on a different computer). Can you a) check the version of CB you have, and b) describe the exact steps you are doing. It concerns me a little that your 'Title' window does not look like mine. Menu item Report->Item Checklists. Items Checked: Missing Items, , Include Storylines and creators (nothing else). Click on the radio button for Selected Titles. And I get this (If I scroll down the list, I get the cover scan and publisher/date to the right). Notice that my list has both Title and Publisher. Yours does not even have a header (which is why I asked for you to check your version.
  2. Sorry. I meant with a Report. Using Collection Report as an example (and it appears the Choose button only appears if you do this twice). The attached is a collection report, after I clicked on Select Titles and then click the Publisher column.
  3. Try this. Click Selected Titles and then the Choose.. button. When the Titles window comes up, click on the Publisher header. This will sort the list by Publisher. Scroll down the list to the Publisher you want, Click on the first item, scroll to the last time, and, while pressing and holding the Shift key, click on the last item. You should now have all the Titles for that Publisher selected. If you want more than one Publisher, you can do that with pressing and holding the CTRL key, but you have have to select individual Titles or click/hold the mouse button (while still holding the CTRL key) and dragging to select multiple Titles.
  4. First, what Edition of CB do you have (Free, Express, Pro, Archive). Second can you explain what a Publisher report is? I have a copy of CB 2017 but don't see any official Publisher report. The Reports available are: Collection Report, Divider Blurbs, Divider Labels, Identification Labels, Issue Checklist, Price Labels, Price List, and Title Report. If you have Export available (it may not be in all Editions) it does not include Publisher as one of the columns to select. You can get a list of Publishers and Titles with a Find. Open a Find window (CTRL+F). Use the Find drop down box to select Title Fields->Publisher. Change drop-down box from IS to IS GREATER THAN, then type a 'space' (press the space bar once) in the box. If you only want to return info for your items, check the LIST ONLY TITLES IN STOCK check box. Once the Find results are displayed, you can use CTRL+A to select all the rows. Now you have to choices. 1) Report: you can right-click, on the grid area and select Quick Report (or F7). This will generate a report on the Find results. 2) Copy: Copy/Paste the information to another program (a spreadsheet works well). NOTE: If you go the Export route, you can use this Publisher/Title information in a database and merge it with the Export data (on Title). This may take a little work for unicode characters.
  5. Rename 1.jpg to TPB 1.jpg & 2.jpg to TPB 2.jpg From: Pictures\K\Krause\Comics Buyer's Guide Presents Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\C\Continum\Mites To: Pictures\C\Continum\Mighty Mites, The (Continum) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 12.jpg) From: Pictures\K\Kodansha\Sailor Moon (2nd Series) To: Pictures\K\Kodansha\Sailor Moon (Kodansha) Rename 2.jpg to Bk 2.jpg, 3.jpg to Bk 3.jpg Then Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg, 4.jpg, and renamed Bk 2.jpg and Bk 3.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Mixx\Sailor Moon To: Pictures\M\Mixx\Sailor Moon Comic Delete or Rename Dlx 1.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\M\Marvel\F\Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) To: Pictures\M\Marvel\F\Fantastic Four- Heroes Return-The Complete Collection Delete SE 1-LE.jpg, SE 2-DLX.jpg, SE 2-LE.jpg, SE 3-LE.jpg, SE 4-LE.jpg, SE 5-LE.jpg and SE 6-LE.jpg From: Pictures\E\Eaglemoss Publications Ltd\DC Comics- Graphic Novel Collection (I believe these (and any other SE x-LE and SE x-DLX) will be moved to different series that have not yet be set up in CB.)
  6. If it helps, this weeks update (30 Oct), for me, had 757 covers downloaded. To count them, I copied from the update log and pasted to a spreadsheet. You can compare and see is you have about the same number. If it is a significantly smaller number, then something is going on.
  7. The only thing I will add is that CB is not meant to be a complete and all-incompassing database to list characters and all there many variations. More of just an idea of the characters that are in the issue. For myself, I would try to keep it as simple as possible which isn't always possible, with writers/publisher ret-conning the ret-cons of previous ret-cons.
  8. Delete or Move 11.jpg, 37.jpg, and 40.jpg From: Pictures\N\Nick Landau\Comic Media (fanzine) To: Pictures\N\Nick Landau\Comic Media Not sure of this one. This weeks update deleted 2.jpg from No One's Rose, leaving 2/A and 2/B. I think 2-A.jpg (red border) should be deleted and replaced by a renaming 2.jpg (light brown border) to 2-A.jpg. The one with a red border may be a preliminary image or it could be a third version. I am going to: Delete 2-A.jpg and rename 2.jpg to 2-A.jpg From: Pictures\V\Vault\No One's Rose But this may not be correct.
  9. GCD also has a two issue series with a Title of "Superman and". See here https://www.comics.org/series/34594/. It is indexed with two issues which are probably reprints of the DC Comics Presents #27 and 29.
  10. Yew, I can but I am not sure why you are having problems. For example, typing "Marvel Super Heroes Se" in the Find box brings up a list with "Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars" as the first item. (Attachment 1) Selecting that Title, and scrolling down the list you will find Item #'s 11 and 12. Attachment 2). So, the question is, why can't you see this? One possibility is you are only displaying items you own. Click on the View drop-down box, and select Items to Show and see what is checked in the cascaded menu. It should have All Items checked. (Attachment 3) Another thing to check is click on the folder icon in the top right corner (or use CTRL + T) to get the Titles window. In the top left corner, next to Show, the All Titles should be selected. (Attachment 4)
  11. In the old Forum (accessible with the Forum Archive tab at the top), a few style guides was created. List is a list of links to all of them: https://atomicavenue.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2523 This is the specific link to the one on appearances http://www.atomicavenue.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2464 They are a little old, but still valid. Not sure if they answer all of your questions.
  12. Can you check this. In CB, press CTRL + F. This will open a Find window (there are other ways to get this). Next to Find is a drop-down box (in blue in attachment). When you click on that to display the options, do you see Advanced Find (circled in red)? If you do, we can use that to help find some of the issues. If not, then you don't have Advance Find in the Pro edition. I have a separate scanner that I use. Some printers are mulit-purpose and have scanning available, but not all have a flat-bed scanner. If nothing else, you can take a photo of the cover with your iphone.
  13. What edition of CB do you have (Free, Express, Pro, Archive)? Depending on the edition, there may be some options on searching. For example, the Archive edition has an advanced find where you can do searches for multiple items at the same time (possibly, the Pro edition might have this but I am not sure and the product description isn't helpful). If you can find the comic on AA, the same Title / Issue should be in CB. (And, unfortunately, I don't think the click on AA item to add to CB would work.) If you can supply some information on the issues you are having problems with (a cover scan would help a lot), someone may be able to help you find them.
  14. Okay. I checked the three Titles you mentioned and I do have the covers (and I didn't download them manually). So I am not sure what is going on for you. However, having the "Show Picture Folder" greyed out does NOT sound correct. Whenever I right-click on the large picture area (top left corner),, mine is never greyed out. I have tried Titles with covers, Titles without any covers, first selecting an Issue (for Titles with covers) and first selecting an Issue (for Titles without any covers).
  15. If you give some examples, I can check my database to see if the same ones are missing. Have you checked the actual picture folder to see if the cover exists? One thing that might have happened (although not likely for so many occurrences) if if the Item number was changed (i.e. from 1 to 1/A). If it did, the cover would not be displayed but it could still exist (with a different name) in the folder.
  16. Delete or Move Bk 1.jpg & Bk 2.jpg From: D:\ComicBase Data\Pictures\I\Image\P\Pop Gun War- Gift To: Pictures\I\Image\P\Pop Gun War (2nd Series) Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dragon's Dream\Studio, The Rename Bk 1.jpg to Bk 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Solomon Kane- The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Rename 1.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\C\Chartwell Books\Wonder Woman- The War Years
  17. HC made a decision a long time ago to remove parts of a publisher's name and is not likely to change. As you found out Publishing is one of the parts. Also, Hermes Press is just Hermes. There are others. This is part of CB and any modification to the names will be changed back anytime you do an update.
  18. Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\C\Crescent\International Book of Comics, The Delete or Rename 3.jpg to 3-A.jpg From: Pictures\V\Vault\Engine Ward
  19. The behavior of the drag/drop has changed in CB 2020. Instead of dragging to the Cover image area (top left corner), you drag/drop it in the grid area (it does not have to be on the exact Item # line, just anywhere in the grid area. When the new way (to the grid area), it will create the folder (if needed).
  20. New Fantastic Four: Monsters Unleashed Reprints Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #347-349; ca. 1992 The Three Stooges: Dell 1959 Edition Reprints Dell Four Color #1043 from 1959; ca. 2019 Delete or Move Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\N\New Fantastic Four- Monsters Unleashed To: Pictures\M\Marvel\F\Fantastic Four- Monsters Unleashed Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\The Three Stooges- Dell 1959 Edition To: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Three Stooges, The- Dell 1959 Edition Rename Bk 1.jpg to 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\V\Vertigo\Delirium's Party- A Little Endless Storybook Rename 5.jpg to 5-A.jpg From: Pictures\V\Vault\Finger Guns
  21. 1: It appears that the defect that causes the lowest down-grade is included. If there is another less severe defect it isn't listed. In the bottom left corner, you can see the text that will be added to the Grading notes as you grade an issue. For example, Select Binding Quality of "slight mis-centering of cover" lowers to NM/9.4 (with text displayed) Continuing and changing Tape to "Moderate (less than 2"...)" lowers to G/2.0 with the text changes to the Tape information. Since the first mis-centered info was less of a down-grade, it is ignored. If needed, you could manually edit the Grading Notes and add additional information. 2: If you are asking which Items have Grading Notes, you can do a Find for Item Field "Grading Notes" and use Is Greater Than <space> (press the space bar in the text box). If you are asking for which ones you have Graded which didn't generate any grading notes (no down-grading of condition), I can't see how that could be found. If you have Custom Columns, you could use a Custom Check box to indicate Graded. 3: I am not an AA expert but I think just the master database cover (the one at HC) is used on AA. Your own cover isn't displayed.
  22. But to answer your question on how to add a new Title to CB: First you need to know the publisher and how it is used in CB. For some reason, in the distant past, it was decided to remove part of the publisher name. For example, instead of "Hermes Press", CB has "Hermes". You might try to find other Titles by that Publisher to see how CB entered it. Once you have the Publisher: Use Menu Items->New Comic Book. Enter the Title name, then Click OK. In the next window, enter the Publisher (at a minimum). You can enter additional info, if know. The click SAVE. This will bring up the next window to enter information on the Item (issue). There are all kinds of information that can be entered. At a minimum, make sure the Number is accurate (if the issue is not numbered, CB still needs a number (usually 1). Then Click Save.
  23. First, I believe this is already in CB. Look in the "King Reading Library" Item # 10 (see on Atomic Avenue at https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/959271/1/King-Reading-Library-10 )
  24. And now, I am getting the same error you are getting. Not sure what changed. It was working (well, not getting the error), then it started getting the error.
  25. Sorry to hear about your medical problems, but glad you are doing better.
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