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I have been using Comicbase  since Version 6, I have never had any of my data disappear until now, I use the custom field 1 as my location for what box my books are in sometime in the last week that field has now been cleared of all information as to which box what books are in. is there any way to get that information back? I have spent the last 2 weeks entering in new books that I have acquired & some box that I got busy with conventions and running my business that had not entered in yet.  Is there a backup that it does somewhere ?

I'm not happy that the Importing of item adds a duplicate and does not add to the qty. I also use Comicbase in my store when i pick up a collection to add it to my inventory, but now I have to find a different system of adding new books to my main inventory



After looking more at the database I have discovered that all of the  "point"  (Amazing Spider-Man #700.1, Batman #23.1 etc) issues have been converted to #0 issues.  And it seams as the problem came from when I converted a Book to a comic (Book of Outrage The art of Frank Cho) it and the 1/2 box after it still has the Locations 


Not sure if this is the exactly problem or not, but when you move items between 'types' (Books, Comic Books, Magazines), not all information is transferred.  I am not sure what information isn't transferred.


Another point. While you can move items wherever you like, CB now tracks Art books in Books and not in Comic Books. If you Own Item #s in the 'misplaced' Title, they will not be deleted during a weekly update but I don't think they will be updated, either. Also, if the Title has multiple Item #s (i.e. HC 1, HC 2, etc.) and you only own one of them, all others will be deleted.

Basically, if it isn't a comic type story (text only, illustrated text (illustrations not really needed for the story), guides (overstreet comic guide), etc.) it is considered a Book (or possibly a Magazine).


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