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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Just to be clear, the Find window defaults to what you last used. The currently displayed option doesn't matter. You just need to click to get the drop-down box list to select from.
  2. There are a few to get to it. Click on the Find button to the left of the text box at the top and select Other... Or Click on the Magnifying glass to the right of the text box (which I use). Or Use CTRL + F Or Menu option Items->Find... When you have the Find window open click on the Find drop-down box and select Advanced Find.
  3. Mark, the 2021 4K Archive Edition (a replacement of the older Blu-Ray Archive Edition) does cost more. Currently it is listed as an Upgrade From $149.95 on the CB website (just missed the Black Friday sale that ended Wednesday night). To get it, you go to your Registration page and click on Renew/Upgrade button.
  4. (It is best if you add your CB Edition and version but I thing you are using CB 2021). The images for the flags are located at C:\Users\Public\Documents\Human Computing\Flags Do you have that? If you do, you might try to install again with Repair. Next, check what version you are using (I am using CB 2021 4K Archive v21.0.0.1240). If you are not, download the newest version. Alternately, you can try to uninstall (get both the CB program and the CB Resources) and reinstall CB 2021. If none of that works, contact HC at support@comicbase.com to get faster response.
  5. My Resources directory is also empty, so that appears normal. NOTE: not sure if is a typo but my other folder is just ComicBase 2020 Archive Edition (with out the 4K even though I DO have 4K Archive installed. The last thing I can thing to try (and you may have already done this), is Uninstall CB 2021. Reinstall CB 2020. From inside CB 2020, use menu item Internet->Check for Updates and let it download/install from there. If that doesn't work, you may have to let HC remote to your computer (if at all possible) as there is something very strange going on.
  6. Once it is uninstalled, it doesn't matter. I normally download to my 'Download' folder and just install from there,
  7. I normally do the resources first but I really don't know if it makes a difference.
  8. Jeff. in case you didn't notice, with CB 2021, both the CB Edition and CB Resources are installed. Going to Settings/Apps, you should uninstall both of them to get a 'clean' install. I am not holding out any hope, but maybe something in the Resources got messed up.
  9. This worked for me. Downloaded and installed v1240 and F3 Jump using 80/A found theItem #. FYI: The match has to be EXACT. 80/a will NOT find the Item #.
  10. I will ask an obvious question just to get it out of the way. Are you sure the cover image you are moving is a .jpg file? If it is, you might bet faster response if you contact support@comicbase.com
  11. Are you trying to drop it in the large cover display area in the top left corner? If you are, that is no longer the correct location,. Instead, drop anywhere in the Grid area (it doesn't have to be on the specific Item #, just anywhere in the grid.
  12. I have CB 2021 4K Archive v21.0.0.1218 (I believe the previous version was 1200 and it also had the problem). PS I just booted up my other test computer that has CB 2021 v1013 and it also has the problem with Jump not working with anything but integers.
  13. Herb, you shouldn't have to run the System Restore. Just Uninstall CB. (Not saying System Restore is a bad idea but, it is kind of a sledgehammer option (but sometimes you DO need a sledgehammer...)). However, with CB 2020 installed, you should be able to Check for Updates and get CB 2021 installed (can't recall if you need to download/install or if the install starts up automatically).
  14. Hmm. My 'What's New' had all the updates I mentioned. You can try to rerun the download. Just hold down the SHIFT key when you select Check for Updates. Possibly, you got the update before it was completely posted.
  15. Not sure what Prices is referring to. However, the report for Gainers and Losers had information, so I think some sort of Price got updated for the comparison.
  16. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Andrews and McMeel\BBXX- Baby Blues Decades 1 & 2 To: Pictures\A\Andrews McMeel\BBXX- Baby Blues Decades 1 & 2 (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Andrews and McMeel\Big Honkin' Zits To: Pictures\A\Andrews McMeel\Big Honkin' Zits (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Andrews and McMeel\Why Grizzly Bears Should Wear Underpants To: Pictures\A\Andrews McMeel\Why Grizzly Bears Should Wear Underpants (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\#\801 Media\Boyfriend in Heat To: Pictures\#\801\Boyfriend in Heat (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\#\801 Media\Don't Rush Love To: Pictures\#\801\Don't Rush Love (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\#\801 Media\Falling Into Love To: Pictures\#\801\Falling Into Love (Publisher name change) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 5.jpg) From: Pictures\#\801 Media\Love is Like a Hurricane (801 Media) To: Pictures\#\801\Love is Like a Hurricane (801 Media) (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg & 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Andrew McMeel\Lio To: Pictures\A\Andrews McMeel\Lio (Publisher name change) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\K\King in Black- Symbiote Spider-Man To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Symbiote Spider-Man- King in Black Delete or Move 1.jpg & 2.pg From: Pictures\S\Star Cross Comics\The Diamond Star To: Pictures\S\Star Cross Comics\Diamond Star, The Delete Anl 21-A.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\A\Amazing Spider-Man, The (smaller Duplicate of Anl 21-DM.jpg) Delete 8.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\G\Ghost Rider (10th Series) Delete 254-B.jpg Rename 255-A.jpg to 255.jpg Rename 255-B.jpg to 255-A.jpg Rename 256-A.jpg to 256.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\S\Savage Dragon, The (254-B.jpg is a duplicate of 254-A.jpg)
  17. I just downloaded the update and seem to have gotten everything (New, Updated, and Deleted Titles along with Covers).
  18. Mark, I think Craig is referring to the Install time (not the download time).
  19. Mark, I have the same problem as Brad. F3 Jump with CB 2021 doesn't seem to work. I am using Spider-Man issue 80/A as a test. If I just type 80 it works to Item #80. But if I type 80/A, it just beeps and doesn't do anything.
  20. It takes a little bit to complete (I didn't time it) but I had no problems. Downloaded the5 (or 6) files to the same folder, in CB, selected Install Pictures and Movies, pointed to the Pictures.zip.001 file and it completed the task.
  21. I can't help you but can you provide a little more information? Which ComicBase are you using? CB 2020, or CB 2021 (or something different)
  22. I downloaded them from that site and installed with out any apparent problems. MediaFire appears to be a legitimate File Share and Storage site.
  23. John, I don't use this feature so I am not sure if this will help or not. If you want to 'not process' what you have on the phone, one thing you might do is create another 'dummy' database (change the Theme so it is obvious it is not your actual database). Then, with the dummy database open, import/process the items on the phone into this dummy database. This should (theoretically) process/clear the items. Then close that database and open your real one.
  24. Download and install the newest build v1172 and that should fix the problem.
  25. Also, the 'play button' icon doesn't show up next to the Item #. I had the same problem as Robert. I reset the Pictures and Media folders to the default then changed them to my location. At that point, even though the 'play button' doesn't appear, clicking on the box, executed the play option.
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