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Mark J. Castaneda

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Everything posted by Mark J. Castaneda

  1. can you screenshot an example of how it appears for you?
  2. You got a few examples so we have a better understanding what you have in mind?
  3. This likely got sent in by a user who probably just copied and pasted data from a website description. We'll take a stab at fixing the format of the creator data.
  4. should be just 'Brett Breeding' at the very least. If you know who else is part of the 'Crew' then those names should be listed separately.
  5. Can't be for sure, but i think this should be changed to 'Malibu, Digital Chameleon'
  6. front cover... pretty simple, just note the artist name like normal. back cover... we've gone the way of noting the name then back cover - ex: John Bryne (back cover).
  7. Please post (or email Support@comicbase.com) the 50-ish titles that need correcting. We're having trouble producing the results you're finding.
  8. interesting... i'll let the programming team.
  9. I see what you mean. The screenshots really help drive your point. I'll mention to the programming team.
  10. Just so i understand the idea here using the Cosmic Cube as the example... you want to have column dedicated to item that appear in the comic story? Don't see us creating a column for that kind of thing. You can also use one of the custom fields for that purpose if you wanted to.
  11. can you screenshot a couple of examples? It'll be easier for our programming to understand what you're seeing and follow up.
  12. I'll let the Editorial team know to look into this. We're not finding evidence of the white background 3rd printing covers for #799 and #800. If you know of any online sources for these, drop a weblink for them in this thread. thanks.
  13. Programming team let me know the sort order of based on a number of items per title found. This particular sort order for Item Titles searches maybe revisited down the road
  14. 1) looks like there are a few additional variants, 2) yeah, it should be set to #19 under B&V Friends Forever editorial team will make the need additions and adjustment for the upcoming content update.
  15. Interesting observation... we'll point out to the programming team.
  16. Best to check their power settings--if the screen saver starts in preview, it's working properly--something else on their computer is preventing auto start of the screen saver (disk / screen / network power setting, likely)
  17. You have several databases listed under your Profile (known databases section). www.comicbase.com/mycb/profile.aspx Because you have so many, i wonder if you had the wrong database loaded into the app when you scanned your comics; when you went to sync in the CB software on your computer you may have a totally different database loaded in (different from the app) thus producing the error. Would recommend you visit your online profile (www.comicbase.com/mycb/profile.aspx ) and make sure the right the database is listed; 'remove' any database you don't use from known databases list. The database you end up going with must be the same in the app and CB software. If you're wondering what the name of your database is, it'll be noted in the CB software - just glance at the header bar of the software window, it'll be noted in Parentheses
  18. No. editorial team would rather it be focused on its current primary purpose.
  19. since Special Edition is noted on the cover let's adjust to 'SE 1'
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