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Mark J. Castaneda

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Everything posted by Mark J. Castaneda

  1. This sounds a bit complex. Can you workup an email to support@comicbase.com and detail/simplify the reproduction steps and/or results your seeing. Please provide screenshots if possible to show off the problem(s). It'll be easier for the programming to address.
  2. 1/K got cancelled. Will update 1/J cover with the next content update
  3. leaving them as is then. I've seen titles where they only did a Cover A (noted somewhere on the book).
  4. Need a bit of clarification... These white background covers for 797, 799, 800 really exist? Our editorial team is having a tough time finding them via online research. If they do exist, can anyone provide cover images for them or weblinks to them? 2ndly, are they all also later 3rd printings?
  5. anyone who can provide accurate cover scans please send them in.
  6. not likely to happen. The given variation letter system and variations V27 and beyond due the job.
  7. Can you screenshot an example title? I'll share it with the programming team.
  8. That SSD you're using brand new? Any firmware updates for it? Internal or external connection? Connecting solid? Maybe try reconnecting. USB? Could be fault cable, maybe try another USB cable.
  9. Are you using the latest build for CB2023 ( If not, download the revised CB2023 Program Installer for your edition from your online account here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx
  10. memory serves they were all noted as Cover A on the actual physical books. I could be wrong... does anyone have copies to confirm?
  11. If you haven't already, run a Rebuild Lists (File Menu>File Tools). Go with Series information, list of owned series, and Item Information as your rebuild selections.
  12. Stuff like this you can send a correction for (no need for a forum post).
  13. can you screenshot an example of how it appears for you?
  14. You got a few examples so we have a better understanding what you have in mind?
  15. This likely got sent in by a user who probably just copied and pasted data from a website description. We'll take a stab at fixing the format of the creator data.
  16. should be just 'Brett Breeding' at the very least. If you know who else is part of the 'Crew' then those names should be listed separately.
  17. Can't be for sure, but i think this should be changed to 'Malibu, Digital Chameleon'
  18. front cover... pretty simple, just note the artist name like normal. back cover... we've gone the way of noting the name then back cover - ex: John Bryne (back cover).
  19. Please post (or email Support@comicbase.com) the 50-ish titles that need correcting. We're having trouble producing the results you're finding.
  20. interesting... i'll let the programming team.
  21. I see what you mean. The screenshots really help drive your point. I'll mention to the programming team.
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