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Randall J. Paske

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Everything posted by Randall J. Paske

  1. It was a location problem. The pictures are on my SSD drive, and I don't have any other drives connected. But I didn't have ComicBase pointing to the right folder location. So, having changed that, thumbnails are now expanding to the larger images. But the thumbnails themselves are still rather slow to load, for some reason. They don't seem to load until I actually select a row. And the pictures up by the titles aren't loading, either, unless I have selected the row that contains the same picture and then left the title and returned. As I mentioned, I do have "Automatically download larger pictures when viewing items" selected.
  2. I had to replace my hard drive (I now have an SSD) and do a new installation of my operating system. I'm basically on a new system in an old shell. I installed a fresh version of ComicBase and copied my Pictures folder, database backups, and log files from my old drive. Things seem to be working fine except for problems with cover images. The thumbnails frequently are not expanding to larger versions when selected, and often the thumbnails don't load at all, or load very slowly. I have "Automatically download larger pictures when viewing items" selected. What might the problem be?
  3. Yep, they go by both. I prefer the brevity of the shorter name, and they use it themselves, so that's what I use. But if ComicBase editorial wants the longer form, I can switch.
  4. The items formerly listed as #1/V36 and #1/V37 were actually variants of #2. I wrote to Support and suggested they be moved to #2. The computer on which I use ComicBase is in the shop right now, so I can't check on whether they were added to #2, but your list confirms that they were removed from #1.
  5. Now on v23.1.0.2139. Just tried to run the report again and got the "no items found" error.
  6. Now the report stopped working for me again, with that message: "No items were in your collection inventory which matched those criteria." I haven't done anything to try to diagnose or fix it yet. I'll update to the latest build later on and see what happens. For now, I just wanted to note that this problem seems to not only fix itself but also come back from the dead after you think it's gone.
  7. Sounds like the same problem I had a while ago: https://forums.comicbase.com/index.php?/topic/1677-report-not-working/ . I don't know what fixed it, but eventually it started working again.
  8. Westfield was the first sub service I used, starting in the late 1980s. I was always a fan of their service, but I eventually had to leave for a service that allowed me to order from the entire catalog (Previews or Advance Comics) rather than a narrower selection. At the time, they were limiting themselves to a one-page order sheet and leaving off some of the indie series I gravitated toward. I landed at M&M Comic Service, which I've used for years. For a time, that meant sending floppy disks through the mail to submit my orders, until the Internet came into wider usage.
  9. Oh, no offense taken. I was just trying to further clarify what happened with this title, since the typo arose after I sent my message to Support.
  10. They're out of control, certainly. But I still buy them when I like them well enough.
  11. Because the title had been in the database for a long time as "Grandpa," I didn't submit the correction to "Grampa" (as on the cover and in the indicia) from within ComicBase but instead sent a message to Support in case they didn't want to change it. So I'm responsible for it changing, but I'm not responsible for the typo with the remaining "d."
  12. I tried again after downloading the latest content update this morning, and it finally worked again, for whatever reason. It looked like it was going to choke on that 10% of Preparing Report window again, but then it actually completed the process instead.
  13. I tried the new build, with the same result. I usually use the Preview button to look at the report without printing it, but I tried Print with the same result. It shows me the following dialog box (which never gets past 10% in the title bar), before it gives up and displays the message shown in the first post of this thread.
  14. Updated to Still getting the error. Parameters shown below.
  15. Yes, Comic Books is the selected type.
  16. When I run the Top Gainers and Losers report for Owned Items, I get the following message. Running ComicBase 2023 Archive Edition, v., with over 18,000 items added so far. The report always worked before, but I've been getting this error for a couple of weeks.
  17. I can only say that mine didn't bounce at all--not immediately, not later. I've sent three messages in the past week. i haven't received replies, but I also haven't seen anything to make me think they're not getting through.
  18. I sent a message yesterday and it did not bounce back.
  19. I ran Rebuild Lists and did another content update. Unfortunately, both ComicBase and Sidekick still say that my last update was October 27. But I'm getting new log files each time.
  20. OK, today I downloaded and installed the current build, just to be sure I was on the right one. Then I did a content update via Sidekick. Both Sidekick and ComicBase (in the Collection Statistics window) still show my last update as October 27. ComicBase also indicates that new content is available, even though I just did a content update. Would this have anything to do with the renewal nag box that has started popping up? I'll be renewing later on, so I keep declining. They are probably unrelated, but it seems like this started when that started.
  21. Meanwhile, I updated last night (November 2) via Sidekick, and now both Sidekick and ComicBase (in the Collection Statistics window) show my last update as October 27. I do have an update log from November 2, though. I've never seen this problem before, or at least never noticed it.
  22. I suggested in an email once that the Description field should be made read-only or labeled in some way if it is ignored during the normal submission process. I wasted time writing a number of descriptions before learning that they went nowhere and then got wiped out when I did a content update. I still think this is a valid suggestion.
  23. That first Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man series is just Spectacular Spider-Man in the indicia for the first 48 issues, despite what it says on the cover. So the key words in this case are Spectacular Spider-Man. Searching for that will get you the '70s series. Perhaps "Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man" should be in the new Item Title field to aid with search results. I'm not sure if that's the intent of that field, though.
  24. D'oh! I just went back to one of my problem images, and its dimensions were smaller than the existing image. I dropped it as-is and it was quickly replaced by the existing image, as usual. Then I resized my image to be slightly larger in dimension than the existing one, and I was able to to drop it in and send it without issue. Before, I was looking at file size, not image dimensions. My replacement image was of a larger file size than the existing image, but its dimensions were smaller. That has probably been the difficulty with the few other images that have given me this problem. I haven't even done the Rebuild Lists thing yet. Glad to know this!
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