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Mark J. Castaneda

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Everything posted by Mark J. Castaneda

  1. Optimizing is usually the magic solution for any database weirdness.
  2. Its really hard to account for different users display configurations. You may want to see if you have other programs and/or special power saving settings that could be set to conflict with the screen saver. Also look into making sure your Windows system and video card is updated with the latest firmware. *If you have special display settings that we should know about please let us know (ex: resolution, multiple monitors, etc.).
  3. Cancel out. Optimize the database then try to update again
  4. send us a submission for it through the software if you don't mind. thanks.
  5. screenshot the error, not the title itself
  6. you got any info to TPB 2 that you can provided?
  7. can you screenshot that error? Sounds like you run your currency in your database in £ than $ (US), that correct?
  8. rementioned to the dev team for consideration in next version.
  9. Have you downloaded the latest build? I think Pete addressed the refreshing of the covers (if available on our server) as you scan in that Add by Barcode window.
  10. Hey Mark, this i prefect opportunity to use the "request price check" option under the software's internet menu to let us know that the pricing should be reviewed for this issue. This will get our editorial team's attention on it and get it reevaluated for you.
  11. you got many databases by the same name linked to your account which is confusing our system. Would suggest going into your online profile page here, glance down towards the Known Databases section of the page and removing ALL databases you currently linked to your profile: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/profile.aspx Next, make sure you're using the most up to date version of CB2023 (v23.2.2.2682). Download/install it from your online account here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx Lastly, launch CB2023 and load in the database you wish to associate with CB mobile app. Go to the File Menu>Collection Statistics-this will give you the db's overall stats AND link it to your online profile/mobile app. Going forward, you should then be adding comics through the mobile app to that database.
  12. No Livestream for the week of 3/29/2023
  13. Almost sounds like you accidentally cleared out the default install path for the software when you tried to install. It can happen if you accidentally click outside the window. Try to restart the Program Installer process (it usually plugs in the proper install path). If you still have trouble, please contact support@comicbase.com
  14. -thanks for spotting the typo. -anyone own this? would like to know if the majority of the contents contain comic strip pages to justify it being moved to the 'Comic Book' category.
  15. We recently made a few tweaks to the software, Head to your online account and download/install the revised CB2023 program installer (v23.2.2.2665): https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx Restart your computer afterwards. Launch the main CB software, go the File Menu>File Tools>Optimize Database lastly, run the content update on your database and see if you're able to get through it or not (internet menu>check for updates). If you still have trouble, please contact the support team directly (support@comicbase.com).
  16. Programming team is working on the screensaver problem. Hoping to have a solution in the next few days (maybe sooner).
  17. We'll hope to have everything squared away by this week's content update. Sorry for the trouble.
  18. what you're power settings set to? Can you screenshot so we can try to replicate?
  19. Internet Menu>Check for Updates. *If you've already downloaded the latest content update, hold down the 'Shift' key the next time you go into the Internet Menu>Check for Updates to redownload and/or see the update options. The default top setting is to 'All' for all media types. If you want to be selective with the media types you want, bubble in 'Selected Types Only' then pick what media types you care for.
  20. Note that the 3/15/2023 weekly content update is bit flawed. It will add new newspaper, books, and magazines to your database when downloaded BUT NOT comic books. The programming team is looking into the trouble. Will keep you updated as we progress through the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  21. Hey William, Many users using build 2535 are not reporting the problem anymore. Let us know if it works okay for you now.
  22. William, you're running an older build. Download/install the revised CB2023 program installer (build 2535) and see if it helps from your online account: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx Also, with the latest build, make sure you're able to launch and exit out of the software with no trouble. To help smooth up your database, go the file menu>file tools - optimize. Try updating afterwards and see if that helps.
  23. Give Pete our lead programmer a call at 408-266-6883 ext 403; he'll be able to help you further.
  24. it's a minor bug (compared to say a crash bug). Its on their to-do-list but not an immediate must fix.
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