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Mark J. Castaneda

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Everything posted by Mark J. Castaneda

  1. We typically order the regular covers for our office, scan those, then replace the prelims on their release week. Due to the explosion of variants in recent years, we don't always replace those prelim variants the same week they actually release; they are so many to hunt down it can take time. User submitted covers we also take and replace prelims too.
  2. message us directly at support @comicbase.com. If you can provide a screenshot(s) of what you're noticing that's off that would be helpful along with steps/options you are picking for creating your report.
  3. I think we based the title name of the indicia of the 1st issue. Does anyone have it to confirm (we don't have an in-house copy anymore)?
  4. if the latest build doesn't truly address the trouble, we'd be curious to how the report looks when you view. Can you screenshot it then email us at support@comicbase.com?
  5. how is comic vine numbering these issues? For example, how are they getting #196901? Is this printed on the issue somewhere (back cover)?
  6. You will no longer be able to print out the find list results like with older versions of CB. Instead, you'll have to select/highlight the find results that are generated then copy and paste them into a blank spreadsheet or word document. *take advantage of the 'Columns to View' option under the Setup menu. You can make visible on the main screen interface what fields you want to see and in what order. This can cut down the fields you decide to copy out.
  7. First... we just updated the build with few bug fixes. Just download/install it again from your www.comicbase.com account (My Account menu>Registrations). The programming team informs me the date settings for ComicBase are inherently YYYY-DD-MM now. Try going into the File Menu>File Tools>Rebuild Lists>Select Item Information and Rebuild. Afterwards, try switching to Dutch and see if that solves your problem. If the trouble still lingers, please contact our team directly at support@comicbase.com.
  8. If the dbs weren't the problem then it has to be your computer. Your specs seem okay... I've seen computers with lower specs that run CB2020 pretty decently but not as slow as you describe. Are there any other programs possibly running that could be shutdown or removed on your computer? If you have another computer available, you might try running the software on that.
  9. -uninstall the software -Verify your Windows system is up-to-date with any updates, particular your .Net Framework. Ideally, you want to be running on Windows 10 -if you have any anti-virus software running, consider turning it off temporarily (they can sometimes block a full installation). -lastly, redownload the CB2020 Pro program installer setup file from our website and see if you're able to install it. If you have no luck, please contact our team directly at support@comicbase.com OR 408-266-6883
  10. Hey Kurt, Steven pretty much jumped in with all the tweaks you need to make to pull off the import. Hope it helps.
  11. Try out the latest build for the CB2020 program installer; just redownload/install it from your online account (ComicBase.com>My Account Menu>Registrations). *You might want to 'remove' any reports you currently have under your online account before you upload new reports with the new build. If you still have trouble, contact our team directly at support@comicbase.com
  12. Odd... we'll have to add it for the upcoming content update. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. email our support team at support@comicbase.com and provide a screenshot of what import options you selected when you did the import. We're curious what they are.
  14. Wondering if the problem is database specific...if you create a new database under the file menu, play around with it, do you get the same kind of sluggishness?
  15. -you'll need to convert your info into a tab separated txt file. Needed info to pull of a minimal import (title name, issue number, qty in stock, condition). Feel free to email our support team directly if you have further questions. -you can create a new database under the file menu if you need to catalog a different collection.
  16. message our team at support@comicbase.com. attach the covers you're trying to drop in and they'll see if they are named properly.
  17. a suggestion i'll pass up to the programming team. For now, doing through Sidekick is the way to do it.
  18. some folks were issued the wrong Archive edition installer under their accounts. That has been fixed, just redownload the software installer setup file from your online account; it should be for the Professional edition 2020: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx
  19. Do you know your system specs (Windows OS Version, RAM, Processor Speed, etc.)? Wonder if you're running on a computer that doesn't meet our min system requirements.
  20. Our report uploader ran into technical difficulties over the Holiday break. It’s been rebooted and now is processing through a large list of reports from our users. We apologize for the inconvenience, it may take several hours for it to catch up and post all those reports.
  21. Go the Setup Menu>Columns to View - you may have to check what columns you wish to have viewed/arranged on the main screen grid like custom fields.
  22. Our report uploader ran into technical difficulties over the Holiday break. It’s been rebooted and now is processing through a large list of reports from our users. We apologize for the inconvenience, it may take several hours for it to catch up and post all those reports.
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