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Mark J. Castaneda

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Everything posted by Mark J. Castaneda

  1. I'll report the problem to the programming team.
  2. I don't think so. I have the same problem with iTunes
  3. after a bit of trial and error, i think this is what's happening... If you have copy of a particular issue (ex: Batgirl (5th Series) #1) already in stock (qty 1) in a specific condition (ex: NM) THEN add through the mobile app the same issue at a different condition (ex: VF), a qty of 2 will be added in VF instead of just 1 when you sync the addition in the main software. That sound about right?
  4. question, after adding through the CB mobile and syncing in your addition(s) in the main software; did you upload a fresh Collection Report?
  5. Thanks for the info. I'll let the programming team know.
  6. Would suggest changing 'Bk 1' to just '1'
  7. is someone able to submit these as separate titles (each named after what the official title name is stated on the interior indicia pages)?
  8. Greg... are you have to verify the official title name stated on the indicia page so we can create a new title entry based on that?
  9. typically, if we know (or have a strong feeling) when the a given title will end its publishing run, we'll end cap it with the last year published. A title that would go on for years (ex: Action Comics) we would just say 'Present'
  10. you may have database corruption going on. Try this: File Menu>File Tools -Optimize your Database -Next, Rebuild Lists (choose every option except the "Pictures files list") - this particular process will take some time to complete(at least 30 min). -Re-try to update afterwards If you still get the problem, email our support team at support@comicbase.com
  11. makes sense to fix both. thanks.
  12. make sure you download/install the latest version of the software from your online account here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb//Registrations.aspx
  13. With that said, Kenny... I think we'll need precise replication steps to isolate the problem.
  14. After digging through Lunar Distribution website who distributes DC comics these days to comic shops, the 76194138175600221 barcode is for a Spanish language edition. We'll add it to the upcoming content update.
  15. Hey Kenny, I'm not getting the result you're getting (unless i'm misunderstanding what you're running into). When i scan the same comic issue in the 'add by barcode' menu, set a different grade for each then save, i see those 2 issues are listed as 2 separate items, each in a different grade.
  16. Looks like some files aren't being found as you do the installing. This is a sign of a past/incomplete installation Go into your Windows Settings (App list) and uninstall all instances you see of ComicBase. The idea here is to get you into a fresh state with no versions of CB installed. Lastly, re-run the CB2024 installer and see if you have better luck completing. If you still have trouble, please give our support team a call at 408-266-6883
  17. good catch. we'll get 'Scary' removed for next week's content update.
  18. A few things to check... -Make sure you've downloaded and installed that latest version of ComicBase to your computer here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx -Make sure your database file loaded into the main ComicBase software is updated with the latest weekly content update (internet menu>check for updates). -We noticed when checking your account, it looks like you have 4 different database files linked to your online Profile/ComicBase mobile app. This could be the problem as you may have the wrong database selected in the app compared to what you got loaded into the main CB software. You can view what database files you have currently linked under the 'Known Databases' section with this link: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb//Profile.aspx Feel free to remove any database you don't use to avoid confusion. -When using the mobile app, make sure you've got the desired database file selected when scanning in items. You'll want to do the same when you launch the software so your additions get synced properly. If you still have trouble, please email our support team directly at support@comicbase.com
  19. Question, are you using our newly release CB2024? If not, you can download/install it from your online account here (f you have active subscription). https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx It's been awhile since i've had to print labels, i thought once you set particular options that CB would remember them the next time you printed labels again. Is that not the case?
  20. We have another title called Fantastic Four, The (Paperback) where #Bk 3 seems to be the same as Fantastic Four, The (Pocket Books) #Bk 1. Seems like there's a duplicate listing here, would this mean don't even bother keeping Fantastic Four, The (Pocket Books) #Bk 1?
  21. Just a heads up that this week's content update will available Friday 9-22-2023. Our shipment of new comics came much later in the week than usual causing a delay.
  22. Marvel Editorial isn't doing their job here... they should have noted the issues as #2. We'll add it in under the 6th series, to be safe we'll note it as #2023 since we already have #1 listed under the title.
  23. I'm a bit confused... Can someone clarify what needs to be tweaked and/or deleted with this post?
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